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Gardening - Preparing and planting in the beds

Reading - Identifying reasons for changing paragraphs

Science - Observing and measuring

Science - Recognising sound as vibrations

Geography - Locating places with Viking origin in the UK

Forest School - using tools and making weather vanes

Art - Experimenting with relief printing using ink

History - The Bayeux tapestry and Battle of Hastings

Geography - using a map to locate Anglo Saxon settlements in the past

History - Researching Harold Godwinson and placing events on a timeline

Science - Investigation to find out which type of chocolate would melt first

Active English - Using possessive apostrophes

Design and technology - generating ideas to meet a design brief

Science - Grouping materials into solid, liquid or gas

Maths - Division

Outdoor learning - Exploring lines and patterns in the frost

Outdoor learning - Creating mud sculpture creatures

Design and Technology - Evaluating existing communication devices

RE - Mary's Journey

PE - Blindfold challenges

Music - Clarinet November

Science - Planning and carrying out a fair test

Eco - Promises to help the planet Cop 26

Science - Classifying rocks by their physical properties

Computing - Coding - using my blocks

Forest School 21.10.21 Judaism Sukkots

Music - Clarinet October

Art and RE - Rangoli Patterns

Science - Conductor or insulator investigation

RE - Hinduism Vedas and Rama and Sita Puppet Show

Science - Open or closed circuit

RE - Christianity

Music - Learning the tin whistle before the clarinet

Art challenge - Use black card and A4 paper to create some artwork either 2D or 3D

Science - Battery or plug
