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  • Headteacher update 17th December

    Thu 17 Dec 2020

    Dear Parents/Carers,


    We have nearly made it (we don't say that too loudly !).  We hope you have a wonderful Christmas and holiday and 'make the best of it' (whatever that may look like). We hope that you have a safe, peaceful and happy Christmas and we will see what January brings ...... 


    1. A big 'thank you' to all of the staff at school who have been amazing this term and have gone the 'extra' mile (and more) to make our school a safe, enjoyable and stable place for the children to be. Nothing happens by accident and the dedication, care and hard work has been truly amazing. Everyone now deserves a well earned break and some time to relax before it all starts again. 


    'Thank you' to all of you who have worked to keep everyone safe and make everything work well, it is appreciated. There have been some amazing offers of help and generous contributions to school this term. 


    2. Learning

    The teachers are in the process of putting together their 'books' of the terms learning, sometimes these are hard back books we have a copy of in school and sometimes they are 'books' published to the website. This term each class will publish their 'book' to the website so you can see the breadth of learning that takes place. 


    Forest school 'book' - I have put together all of the learning that has taken place at forest school (on-site and at our off school site) this term which includes every class. The breadth and depth of learning can only really be appreciated when you sit down and put something like this together. Please look on the school website under 'forest school' and share it with your child to stimulate thinking and discussion around their learning (it will be posted on the website at some point today). We  teach a range of 'subjects' at forest school and nothing is done in a 'twee' manner as it always has to have depth and meaning (and be memorable). The 'book' is too big to attach to this e-mail as, even 'PDF ed' it contains a great number of photographs. 


    3. Return to school - Wednesday January 6th. Please have a safe Christmas holiday. All the same processes and times for PE, forest school etc will remain the same for all classes. 


    4. School film - a group of Year 6 children have made a film all about our school and what it is all about, it has been made in a really professional way and captures what Madley is all about. It will be posted on the school website by the end of the week for all to see. 


    Best wishes

    Mr Batstone 
  • Headteacher update 14th December

    Mon 14 Dec 2020



    We hope you all had a good weekend. It is the last week of a very long, tiring but enjoyable term in which everyone has worked hard to keep everyone safe, learning and engaged. We are now looking forward to a well earned break before it all starts again in January (when processes, expectations and procedures will be the same). Teachers are finishing off phone calls home (it takes a while).


    1. Attendance for the last two weeks - 97.8% for the past two weeks (excellent). 


    2. 'Reindeer run' - 

    This week classes are doing the 'Reindeer Run' in aid of St.Michael's Hospice. As it is extremely wet could we ask that the children wear old trainers but we also have plans to use the playground or village hall car park if it is too wet to use the bark path. Children will need to wear their PE kits on these days. 


    The following are at separate times in the day - 

    Monday = Year 5, Year 1 and Year 3.

    Tuesday = Year 6, Year 2 and Year 4.

    Wednesday = Reception

    Still time to collect some donations if you haven't managed to yet. 


    3. Christmas jumper week (for fun, not money) - 

    Christmas jumpers can be worn everyday this week alongside normal uniform or forest school clothes. We have supported a lot of charities recently so we are not asking for anything for this.

    Just jumpers/t-shirt over the top not hair, earrings, accessories or anything else ! 


    4. Twitter (@MadleyPrimarySc) 

    We don't use Facebook, Instagram or other platforms, just our school website and Twitter to keep you up to date with the latest learning. 


    5. Return to school = Wednesday January 6th. Year 3 will have forest school on that day and Year 1 on the Thursday and Year 4 on the Friday as normal. 


    6. Forest school this week (some Christmas parties as well) -

    Monday - Year R and Year 2 (packed lunch as well) need to wear forest school clothes.

    Tuesday - Year 5 need forest school clothes and have a packed lunch.

    Wednesday - Year 3 need to wear forest school clothes and have a packed lunch.

    Thursday - Year 1 need to wear forest school clothes.

    Friday - Year 4 need to wear forest school clothes and have a packed lunch.


    Year R need to wear their party clothes on Thursday and Year 1 on Friday. 


    More news and some shared learning on Thursday.

    Best wishes

    Mr Batstone

  • Headteacher update 10th December

    Thu 10 Dec 2020

    Hello all,


    Christmas jumper week for the whole of next week (we have supported a number of charities recently so this is just for 'fun' and not for charity). 


    Christmas dinner - once again a huge 'thank you' to our security company who paid for Christmas dinner yesterday and a huge 'thank you' to all of the staff for making it a 'special' lunch in classrooms. Reception enjoyed their lunch in the hall in front of a festive 'virtual' open fire. 


    Friday December 18th - You may have read or seen that the government are allowing schools to move an INSET day if they want to, we could have done this anyway and it is not an 'extra.' IT IS A 'NORMAL' SCHOOL DAY ON DECEMBER 18TH FOR US.

    We return to school on Wednesday January 6th. 


    1. Eco Christmas - as a school we aren't 'humbug' but we don't have Christmas cards distributed for children. Why not make something more meaningful for someone like a wooden heart with a message or something they can keep. Please do not allow your children to bring Christmas cards into school. 


    2. Forest school clothes

    'Function over fashion' - children need to be warm at forest school so could we please ensure that they have proper layers, warm socks (or 2 pairs of socks), gloves, hat and a good coat please (many 'puffa' jackets are not filled with material that will keep people warm and are fine for fashion but not for the woods). I receive no commission for the following recommendations but they are worth sharing ! 


    M and M Direct ( often has good quality kit at low prices (they have Trespass kit for children at the moment). 


    Sport Pursuit is also a good website for slightly more expensive kit (adults and children).

    Sports Direct is always good for a bargain as well. 


    Maybe we will think about setting up a 'kit swap' when things become a bit more normal - children grow so quickly that we all have coats, wellies and waterproofs that may be too small and people could either donate, swap or ask for a small price (something we will consider for the newsletter). 


    School waterproofs - we are in the process of replacing our school waterproofs (round 3 over the last 12 years) and some of our kit has been used for 12 years and lasted well. We are investing a bit more in trousers (as our Regatta ones have pocket holes which let the water in) but they are £16.99 each, though they will last much longer and be more robust). The total cost to replace all of the waterproofs for the entire school in one go would be around £5,500 without any badges or logos. We are likely to replace two years group kit a year and allocate certain colours so it is easier to manage. The PTA generously pay for the replacement of waterproofs for the children and always find the best deal possible. 


    3. Clubs next term

    We are not planning to re-start any clubs until at least February half term, we may not then but will judge the situation by what occurs after Christmas. 


    4. School residentials

    We have received confirmation that The National Trust have closed Stackpole Learning Centre and the staff have been made redundant, a very sad day. Hopefully there may be a glimmer of hope for the future of the centre but we are awaiting news. Currently we are planning a new opportunity with Longtown Outdoor Centre that will take place further afield. There won't be any school residentials until May at the earliest. 


    5. Message from Herefordshire Council (this is for all schools not just us). 


    Admission process for reception class places

    We currently have a high number of primary school reception class applications outstanding and would be grateful if you can please share the following information with parents and carers via your normal channels of communication.


    Herefordshire Council’s admission process for primary school reception class school places 2020 opened for applications on 14 September 2020, for children who were born between 1 September 2016 and 31 August 2017. 

    Applications can be made online at:


    Further information is available from the council’s school admissions team on 01432 260926 / 261574 or

    Please note that late applications may result in a child not being offered a place in a preferred school.  Parents and carers must still apply for a reception class place, even if they already have a place in the nursery associated with their preferred school.


    The closing date for applications is midnight on 15 January 2021.

    More news and information next week.....



    Mr Batstone 


  • Headteacher update 7th December

    Mon 07 Dec 2020



    We hope you had a peaceful weekend and are able to enjoy a little more 'restricted' freedom as children return to some clubs and activities. We also hope you are getting ready for a 'different' Christmas. Lots going on in school for the next two weeks and some information will come via updates, some via curriculum updates and some via class Parentmails. 


    1. Kindness and generosity of parents and our community

    Comet's Meadow - our project is really gathering pace. Until February we will continue with the sheep grazing to get the grass right down, then we will mark the areas for the ground beds before ploughing/rotavating those spaces and weeding them. February half term we hope to start building the outdoor kitchen. Before then we hope to have some structural elements in place such as the mains water/water piped to the far end and our storage container. Next week Year 6 are digging the trench for a hedge to be laid. Hopefully we can start to get some working parties onto the field if the Covid situation improves. 


    Christmas lunch - what a very generous and amazing gesture by our security partners to pay for the children's Christmas dinners. 


    Local businesses - we are very fortunate to have the support of so many local businesses who give us so much and always step forward if we need anything else. We are so fortunate. 


    2. Christmas Party timetable :

    Year R =  Thursday 17th December (school hall) = party clothes can be worn all day

    Year 1 =  Friday 18th December (school hall) = party clothes can be worn all day 

    Year 2 = Monday 14th December (forest school clothes with Christmas hat) - packed lunch needed (we will provide other party 'bits').

    Year 3 =  Wednesday 16th December (forest school clothes with Christmas hat) - packed lunch needed (we will provide other party 'bits').

    Year 4 =  Friday 11th December (forest school clothes with Christmas hat) - packed lunch needed (we will provide other party 'bits').

    Year 5 = Tuesday 15th December (forest school clothes with Christmas hat) - packed lunch needed (we will provide other party 'bits').

    Year 6 =  Wednesday 9th December until 5pm - forest school clothes with Christmas hat. We will provide food for tea. 


    3. Covid restrictions -  a few children have been talking about having sleep overs ! Please refer to the Tier 2 restrictions that were published last week.  As a school we have been very lucky to not have any  isolation or closures so far but we are expecting it. We are worried about January and hope that everyone is 'aware and cares.' 

    It is hard for everyone and we appreciate the vast majority for your care, awareness and safety. As a school we are on 'duty' until Christmas Eve with contacts for 'track and trace' and we would prefer to enjoy the start of a well earned holiday. 


    4. Standards and what is happening this year:

    Despite everything else that is happening the world we still have to ensure the children are learning effectively and making progress. Whether you agree with it or not one aspect of this is testing and assessments. 

    The following are 'tests' or assessments that we have to report to the Government and are used to 'judge' the school (by the age of 11 your children will have been involved in at least 8 'external' assessments as well as our own. Many of these 'tests' they won't know anything about until they are old enough to. As a school we recognise the need for testing but we are not an 'exam factory' and make sure the children 'do their best' but we are also acutely aware of where they are academically. No performance tables will be published for primary schools in 2021. OFSTED inspections (we are not due one for a few years) will be advisory until Summer 2021 and will focus on schools in a category (not us as we are 'good'). 


    Year R are assessed by the teacher but it statutory and used by the government to judge starting points in schools. This will go ahead but the children do even know it happens as it is teacher observation based. 


    Year 1 have a phonics reading test - this will go ahead this year but the children often don't know they are even doing it. 

    Year 2 have written tests in maths, reading and writing as well as spelling and punctuation (these have been cancelled for 2021 and only teacher assessment will be used).

    Year 4 have a times table test. This will be optional for every school. 

    Year 6 have 'SATs' and are tested in maths, reading and spelling and punctuation (this one has been cancelled for 2021). Writing is assessed by the teacher but may be externally moderated. 

    We also have our own internal assessments to inform teachers of attainment and progress.  


    4. Parking 

    We are still receiving regular reports from residents about parking (either across drives or on the brow of hills or in places where it is hard to see the road). Please could you:

    - Show good awareness of where you park.

    - Be mindful of residents (we are providing some with yellow cones to make their life easier).

    - Park in the village and walk a short distance ! 

    The good things are that it clears very quickly and the majority of people exemplify the school values (we do a lot of training with your children about awareness and social responsibility). 


    Have a safe week. 


    Mr Batstone 
