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Curriculum updates and theme

Curriculum update Y5 May 2023

Curriculum update Y5 March 2023

Curriculum update Y5 January 2023

Our theme at the start of this year is called “Come Fly With Me! America”.  In our theme we will be learning about North and Central America, with a key focus on Geography, History and Art opportunities.  As geographers, we will find out about the location of important places and the human and physical features of these cities and states.  As historians, we will then be learning about the ‘discovery’ of America and the lives of the Native American people.  As artists we have started to look at the works and style of Jackson Pollock.  Throughout this theme, we will continue to look at other subjects too but as separate entities, for instance as scientists we are learning about materials and states of matter, whilst in computing we are learning about systems.
