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Standards Committee

This committee meets on a regular basis to discuss progress and attainment


Terms of reference include:

  • Review information and data regarding school performance including key headline data such as KS1 and KS2 results, Phonics Screening results and end of reception results.

  • Oversee the school's targets for pupil achievement and progress at each year group

  • Be involved in the monitoring of achievement, progress and assessment throughout the school including that of key groups.

  • Monitor the use of pupil premium funding and its impact

  • Triangulate data with information from scrutinies such as leaning walks and lesson observations.

  • Gain the view of a range of stakeholders (pupils, staff and parents) in order to measure the impact of school actions to improve performance.

  • Oversee the design of the curriculum to ensure that pupils have a broad and balanced range of experience.

  • Monitor attendance and lateness rates.
