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Mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs

Respect and tolerance are vital in any civilised society, and have long been a key part of being British citizens. It is of the greatest importance that our children learn to understand and respect each other, and other members of our local and wider community.


Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs is embedded in our school’s values:


We respect our children’s individuality, encourage creativity and support every child to make the most of their abilities.


All children are encouraged to develop their interests and skills, and to be open to learning new things. A very extensive programme of extra curricular activities allows them to explore different interests.   Our exciting and engaging curriculum encourages children to learn about the world, and to understand that there are many different faiths and beliefs. They learn that it is acceptable to have strong beliefs, and to uphold them firmly, but that it is also important to understand that other people have equally strong beliefs which must be respected.


We want our pupils to leave our school as a well educated, self confident and caring member of society.


It is of the greatest importance that our children should learn to become strong, tolerant and respectful members of our society. They are encouraged to explore these ideas through PSHE and RE. They are encouraged to celebrate, to consider the needs of others, and to develop their knowledge and understanding.   They are encouraged to explore spirituality, within the Christian ethos of our school, and with an understanding of other faiths and beliefs.  School visits to places of worship and other world faiths encourage tolerance and respect.  Children and staff are encouraged to discuss their own faith and cultural traditions.


We promote equality of opportunity for all, irrespective of gender, race, creed, ability or disability.


All children in this school are accepted for who they are, and this is evident in the strong family atmosphere of our school.  Bullying or abusive language is not tolerated.  Some of our children belong to families with an active faith, many do not. All are encouraged to develop an understanding of our ethos, and to understand that key elements, such as the need to care for others, to help those in need, to behave well, to seek the good of all, and promote the common good, are found in other world religions.  They also learn about some of the differences between faiths, and that it is acceptable to discuss these differences, and to disagree with one another, within a framework of friendship and mutual respect.
