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Governor Vacancies

We are currently recruiting Associate members to join our Governing Board.  

What do school governors do?

The school’s governing board (GB) is responsible for overseeing the management of the school, which includes strategy, policy, standards and budgeting. It supports and challenges the leadership team, making sure the school provides excellent education, runs effectively, manages its finances well, and is constantly reviewing and improving. Governors are unpaid volunteers that bring a wide range of skills and expertise from their professional lives. At Madley, we are extremely fortunate to have a GB with a wide range of relevant expertise and experience that includes business and finance management, facilities and human resources management, health & safety, community and military leadership, and marketing and communications.


How does the GB work?

The full GB meets once a term. This is where the majority of key decisions are made. Smaller committees with specific functions also meet regularly to assess budgets, standards and safeguarding, which they report on at full GB meetings. To help governors understand what life is like at Madley, they visit school regularly for ‘learning walks’. This isn’t ‘checking up’ on teachers. It’s an opportunity for governors to experience first-hand what and how children are learning. Governors really enjoy this aspect of the role and always chat with children during their learning walks to ask about what they’re doing.   


Expectations of school governors

  • To attend a minimum of 3 full GB meetings and 3 committee meetings per school year (in person or virtually via Teams). Meetings last approximately 1.5-2 hours and take place early evening. Governors are expected to attend all meetings unless unavailable and to give notice of absence if unavailable.
  • To read meeting agendas, minutes and any relevant documents, information or data prior to meetings. Some documents may require comments, feedback or actions. Voting on key decisions may take place.
  • To do learning walks in school time. These usually take around 1 hour with a focus area agreed in advance (e.g. maths, values, writing). Governors submit a short report of their observations afterwards.
  • To agree to an Enhanced DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check.
  • To commit to being a governor term of 4 years.
  • To sign a confidentiality agreement about matters discussed in meetings. Some discussions may be sensitive.


Different kinds of governors?

There are different kinds of school governors representing different interests, like the local community or local authority, parents and families, school leaders and staff, and associates who have specialist skills. We are looking to recruit associate governors. 


Training and support for governors

Madley governors receive a welcome information pack, training sessions run by Herefordshire Council, e-learning around safeguarding and other relevant topics, and free access to The Key (an online service that provides practical guidance and resources for school governors). Key documents are accessed on a password-protected governor area of the school website.


How to apply:

To express your interest in becoming a school governor, please complete the application form below and return to the school by post or email our School Business Manager at   The application form asks for a short written statement about your skills and experience.  Please let us know if you would like further information and if you would like to meet the Chair of Governors. 

