Home Page

Photo folder

History - Excavating Stone Age artefacts like an archaeologist

RE - Story of stained glass windows for christianity

Computing - Coding Decomposing a game

Science - Exploring magnets

Art - Drawing like a caveman with charcoal (negative hand image)

RE - Matching Christian artefacts and discussion

Science - Car ramp investigation on different surfaces

History - Comparing, contrasting and extracting information from sources about the Stone Age

STEM - Geodesic domes with cocktail sticks and midget gems

Maths - Measuring capacity of containers

Art - Observational drawing of plants

STEM Engineering challenge - Spaghetti and marshmallow tower

Maths - Creating 3D shapes with marshmallows and straws

Sequencing on a timeline (Stone Age events and events in our recent past)

Active Maths - Telling the time to the nearest five minutes

Broad Bean Investigation

Exploring mixing watercolours

World of Books - Dress Up for World Book Day WFH

World of Books - Recycled Character WFH

Art and PSHE - How are you feeling?/inside my head - Working From Home

The Iron Man - Letter Of Apology - Working From Home

The Iron Man Newspaper Report - Working From Home

Symbol of Hope and Thanking Our Heroes - Working From Home

Iron Man Character Description - Working From Home

Drawing Sonic the Hedgehog - Working From Home

Science research about endangered animals

Sketching mythical beasts

Making collages of mythical beasts

Making mythical creatures from clay

Bubble art with water and washing up liquid

Bubble art with pastels

Art - Animal symmetry

Applying an acrylic paint base to our clay mythical beasts

Experimenting with water colours to create poppies

Forest School 4th November - Experimenting with natural materials on paper

Learning about France and how to greet people in French

PSHE - Positive traits about ourselves

Matchstick Problem Solving
