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Curriculum Update Year 4 February 2025

Lightning Speed

“Lightning Speed” is a thematic unit based around the history and development of the internet and World Wide Web, with a focus on computing. It primarily looks at how computers communicate, the importance of networks, how email works and how the internet enables collaboration.  We will look at how methods of communication have changed through history and how the invention of the Internet has revolutionised this in recent years.  We will also learn some computer coding, look inside some computers and capture the children's interests by being inspired by some of the computer games they play.

Saxon King

“Saxon King” is a thematic unit with a history focus, telling the inspirational story of Harold Godwinson. He is famous for being the last Anglo-Saxon king of England and part of the Battle of Hastings in 1066. Children will learn, through his life story, all about his achievements, his connections with Hereford and what makes him such an important historical figure.  We will also learn about the Anglo-Saxons, where they came from and how they influenced and shaped Great Britain.   


Three Alien Steps

“Three Alien Steps ” is a unit based around three contrasting locations, with a key focus on geography. We will continue to develop our sense of place in the world by studying three focus places:- United Kingdom, France and Canada. We will identify the position of all three places in the world, along with  learning about the human and physical geography of each place.  The children will help teach a friendly alien about each of these countries by creating some fact files.

Curriculum update Y4 November 2024

Curriculum update Y4 September 2024

Cry Freedom!

This is a theme based around the history of slavery. We start by learning what slavery is, looking at some of the reasons behind it and examples of it, before moving on to ­find out about slavery throughout history and in different countries. Then, we learn about key people who were instrumental in making slavery illegal, before investigating modern day slavery and what we can do to stand against it, like the courageous abolitionists of the past.  We will be learning about the incredible story of Henry 'Box' Brown, who escaped as a slave by mailing himself to freedom in a box.  We will also be finding out about the lives of Sojourner Truth and William Wilberforce, who both helped to abolish slavery.  Finally, we will explore the hidden background to Sir Mo Farah and how slavery still affects people to this day.
