Friday Afternoon Projects take place every Friday afternoon and allow all the children from Year 1-6 to participate in a range of learning opportunities with both external experts as well as school staff (the teachers have their planning, preparation and assessment time). The children must always be able to explain their learning and we expect the highest standards of behaviour and work (it isn't 'Golden Time'!). We send our 'learning spies' (selected children) around to capture good learning and question the children as they undertake their workshops. Groups normally consist of 10-15 children of mixed ages who work alongside sports coaches (tennis coaching, rugby, football, netball) art and music teachers as well as forest school and 'young leaders' (where children plan and lead learning as if they were teachers. They are mentored by a qualified teacher). An exciting end to the working week with a clear focus and purpose and high expectations of outcomes.
Ancient Greek black figure Pinch Pots
Georgia O'Keefe inspired day flower bowls
Constructing Y6 legacy outdoor kitchen area