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Governing Body Mission Statement

The governing body fully commits to providing the support the school needs to excel in all areas, and for every child to be the best they can be. We respect the values that inform all aspects of school life and commit to them in our collective and individual behaviour.

Governors have a clear goal that Madley will be an outstanding school. This will ensure that best practice is embedded in every aspect of school life and will demonstrate the school’s commitment to providing an extraordinary learning experience. To achieve this goal, we will rigorously monitor school standards, policies and the delivery of the school improvement plan, and will both support and challenge the head teacher and senior leadership team on progress and impact. We will then monitor and support progress to ensure a culture of continual improvement and evaluation is embedded.


Summary of Chair of Governors Annual Report to Parents and Governing Body Impact Statement 2022-23

Governors play a key part in the success of a school and Ofsted has increased its scrutiny of governing body performance. Between Ofsted inspections, we rely on self-evaluation to monitor our own performance, but we need to work on the following:  


  • Work closer with the senior leadership team to understand the curriculum and cohort difficulties.

  • Ensure we have a good understanding and acceptance of our role and responsibilities as governors.

  • Increase engagement with the PTA as part of self-evaluation.

  • Continue to put pressure on the LA to meet its obligations, concerning finance, building and maintenance and general infrastructure.


The governing body has conducted a skills audit of all governors. This ensures the GB has the skills and knowledge required. Its impact is to inform training needs, further insuring that our governing body has the right level of knowledge, skills and experience to deliver at the highest level. Governors have taken personal responsibility to ensure training needs are met and this training is regularly recorded in meetings.  When individual governors attend training courses, their experience and knowledge is shared at meetings of the full governing body.  


It is somewhat refreshing to eventually now be in a position to reflect on the past challenges of the pandemic which affected you as parents, our children, our School and all of the staff. Whilst it did take its toll in various ways there were however some small but not insignificant improvements that were realised such as alternative entrances and enabling the children to arrive kitted for set days for forest School and PE which streamline the day and hopefully go some way to reducing uniform costs.


At Madley Primary School, we are blessed to be surrounded by happy and positive people; staff, parents, children and governors.  This is not down to luck. In an age when performance is expected to be intensively measured, the school wants to be a high achiever. However, there is much more to success than can be expressed in bare statistics.


Visitors to the school, whether they are prospective parents or education professionals, remark on the warm, happy and friendly atmosphere and staff regularly receive praise regarding children’s behaviour and enthusiasm. The school continues to be praised by parents and it excels in its wide and varied curriculum I am sure you will all appreciate that the rich nature of school visits has been firmly re-established by the teaching team with trips to a Science Fair, the American Museum, a Buddhist centre and the Snow White Pantomime. It is also a pleasure to have PTA events firmly back up and running with two fantastic discos and a varied and well-supported Christmas fair. The PTA do a great job and are so vital for the school both socially and financially. We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all involved in organising, both in advance and on the night, especially the Teachers and LSA's who give their own time to make these events extra special for our Children. Also a big thanks to you the parents for your continued support, which makes it all worthwhile and ultimately benefits the children.


Please find the full report below.



constituted under the School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations 2012


The name of the school is: MADLEY PRIMARY SCHOOL


The school is a community school.


The name of the governing body is: The Governing Body of Madley Primary School


governing body shall consist of:

3 parent governors

1 LA governor

2 staff governors (to include the Headteacher, whether he/she wishes to

be a governor)

3 co-opted governors


Total number of governors is 9.


The term of office for all categories of governor is four years.


This instrument of government comes into effect on: 1st September 2015


The instrument is made by order of the Local Education Authority of the County of

Herefordshire District Council (also known as “Herefordshire Council”)


Dated: 2015




hereunto affixed by Order


Authorised Officer


NameAppointed by Term of officePositionCommitteeRegister of interestMeetings attended in previous year
Andrew Price-GreenowGoverning Body02/11/19-02/10/24

Chair of Governors

Parent Governor

Finance - Chair



Parent4 of 4
Tom MarchantNominated by LA - appointed by Governing Body01/11/22-01/11/26

Deputy Chair of Governors

Co-opted Governor

Standards - Chair 4 of 4
Ash JohnsonGoverning Body28/03/22-28/03/26Co-opted Governor



Son of school employee3 of 4
Julie JonesAppointed by Governing Body due to no election candidates03/09/14-03/11/26Parent GovernorSafeguarding 4 of 4
Rev Simon LockettAppointed by Governing Body



Associate GovernorLAC GovernorLocal vicarN/A
Lee BatstoneAppointed by Governing Body21/02/2008 - until headship endsHeadteacher




Headteacher3 of 4
Sally JohnsonElected by staff30/11/11-30/11/24Staff Governor

Safeguarding - Chair


School Business Manager

Mother of governor

4 of 4
Clare LeeElected by staff03/09/14-03/09/27Staff GovernorStandardsDeputy Headteacher3 of 4


Get in touch

Should you wish to get in touch with our Chair of Governors, Mr Andrew Price-Greenow, please complete the form below giving your name and email address.
