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Summer 2024

We began the summer term with a strong interest in bees! One child brought in a piece of honeycomb from her beehive, followed by a beehive itself! This really sparked our interest and we began to find out all we could about bees! We learned that bees have 5 eyes, 4 wings and 6 legs! We discovered how honey was made and tasted different honeys for our snack. We created lots of bee crafts and planted lots of flowers to attract bees into our garden. We then made bee hotels to give them somewhere to live. Our learning enquiries then led us to look at other bugs and insects and we began to find out about different life cycles. We all enjoyed discovering snails, slugs and worms within our mud patch and counting how many ground beetles were living in our bug hotel! We used stories to support our learning and planted seeds and beans that we nurtured into beanstalks, fruit and vegetables. We used loose parts to create pictures and sculptures of flowers and mini-beasts and looked closely at flowers in order to paint them. We looked at the spiral shape on snails and compared it to the artwork of Gustav Klimt, using his work to inspire our own works of art.
