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Attendance is taken very seriously at Madley Primary School and we always endeavour to work with families and help our pupils and families achieve 100% attendance.


Research shows that good school attendance impacts upon children’s success in learning. Good attendance helps children to achieve good results, helps them to fulfil their potential and gives them a chance of a better future. We are committed to this and therefore work hard to ensure that all of our children have the best possible attendance. We want to see all our pupils with above 96% attendance.


Every day that your child is absent from school is an opportunity missed. Schools and parents / carers have a shared responsibility to ensure that children attend school regularly and on time.



Punctuality is also just as important as attendance. Madley Primary School day starts at 9:00am with all pupils expected to be in school by this time (gates open at 8:50am). It is important that children arrive in school on time as it supports them to learn good timekeeping and also reduces classroom disruption for the other children and themselves.


Parental support is critical in ensuring that children achieve in education. At Madley, we work closely with families to support them to achieve the best possible outcomes for their children. Below are steps you can take to ensure your child attends school every day and on time.


  • Send your child to school every day
  • If your child is not well enough to attend, contact the school by 8:50am on the first day of absence.
  • Ensure child is arrives punctually
  • Ensure child know how important education is
  • Encourage your child and show an interest
  • Attend school open evenings and school events
  • Avoid taking family holidays during term time
  • Make sure your child gets a good night rest
  • Try to make dental and medical appointments outside of school time or at the weekend.
  • Take family holidays during the school holiday. We are unable to authorize term time holidays.
  • Contact us immediately if you need help or support with your child’s attendance or punctuality.


It is surprising how days off can quickly add up and become a significant barrier to your child’s success. When children have 10% or more off per year this is classed as persistent absenteeism and therefore a serious issue that requires action. Although this doesn’t seem much, when you break it down it can easily happen.

Attendance during one school year

Equivalent Days

Equivalent Sessions

Equivalent Weeks


9 Days

18 Sessions

2 weeks


19 Days

38 Sessions

4 Weeks


29 Days

58 Sessions

6 Weeks


38 Days

72 Sessions

8 Weeks


48 Days

96 Sessions

10 Weeks


57 Days

114 Sessions

11.5 Weeks


67 Days

134 Sessions

13.5 Weeks


As the Department for Education has shared, there is a link between absence and attainment at school. Therefore,  we put attendance at school as a key daily driver to ensure children have the opportunity to succeed. 


Click here for more DfE information


If your child is not wanting to attend school for any reason (feeling unwell etc) often is a sign that there is something worrying your child.


Even small issues can be massive worries or concerns to a child.  If your child behaviour changes or they are pretending to be sick or just wanting to make excuses to stay at home please consider if there is something worrying your child and speak to the school.

