Every Governor is a member of the Full Governing Body and meet together once a term. The Governing Body work hard to ensure that through their meetings and visits to school they know the school and its ethos very well. Governors also organise specific monitoring activities linked to the School Improvement Plan and visit the school termly to look at progress in these areas. These visits include a variety of activities, according to the area being monitored. They could include; talking to children or staff, looking at children’s work and displays or meeting with subject leaders. Every Governor is also a member of one or more committee’s and is actively involved in monitoring those activities every term.
Governing Body
The Governing Body is made up of a group of appointed volunteers who each with their own skills and strengths have the common aim of ensuring the children at Madley Primary School receive the best education possible. They work closely with the Headteacher and senior leadership team and are involved in making important decisions which affect the strategic direction of the school. The Governors meet regularly and comprise members from different categories, those of; Co-opted Governor (3 members), Staff Governor (2 members), Parent Governor (2 members) Local Authority Governor (1 member) and Associate Governor (2 members).
Governing Body Meetings
Formal records of all Governing Body meetings and committee meetings are taken and filed by the Clerk. Once agreed, minutes are then available to view. Should you wish to read any of the Governors' minutes, please make a request via the school office.