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Headteacher's Update - 17th September

Hello all,

This will be the final daily update this week. We have had a busy week with older year groups going to Longtown Outdoor Centre to 'test' their values and teamwork whilst climbing, paddle boarding, using a high ropes course, low ropes course, zip wiring and a 'leap of faith.' A busy week but a successful and fun one as well ! In school it has been equally busy with Reception sharing their first full week in school altogether as a class.

Entry/exit to school - 'thank you' to everyone for your co-operation, awareness and good example that you are setting the children. The 'flow' is working well and we are getting children in and out quickly and safely with minimal poor driving/dropping off and minimal late arrivals. Hopefully you are also parking safely and with thought for others.

Covid - as you may have read or heard a high school in Hereford has a case, I have no doubt there will be more. We need to be prepared for a safe, sensible approach to anything that happens and we will communicate with you as appropriate. I have also attached a document that you may find helpful.

There is no 'right or wrong' answer but we have lots of children (and adults) with runny noses, sore throats and colds at the moment. We are all building up our thresholds of energy etc after a few months of very different routines. Thank you for always checking with school, we appreciate your thoughfulness, care and awareness.

Bags/coats etc - bags are only allowed in school on forest school days for those off-site (Years R,1 and 2 do not go to the site at the moment as the children get used to routines and processes again. They will be using our amazing forest school site when they are ready and we think they are ready). All belongings have to go in a classroom on a chair so we need to reduce 'clutter' and things coming in from home. It all seems to be working well.

'Plush Flush' thanks - a huge 'thank you' to Charles and Becky Wall for their continued support with the extra toilets, it is great to support a local company and they have been a real asset in servicing our toilets regularly and helping to set up our welfare unit at forest school. Even parents with children who left a few years ago can't escape !!

Teacher calls - teachers have started to call parents/carers to give you some feedback about your children, this may take a few weeks. We will share the good and things to work on as we move forward. The children have 'slotted' back into school well and the culture, 'buzz' and 'feel' of learning is evident again.

Friday October 9th - this is a 'National Forest School Day' - we don't usually do 'days or weeks' for Science, forest school or Art as we believe it should be integrated into the curriculum and child's experience more regularly than the odd week or day BUT it seems like a good day to have a bit of a break so every class needs to come in forest school clothes on that day and the whole day will be outside learning (fingers crossed it is dry but never mind if it isn't !). We will build in different days for things as the term progresses as it will be very tiring and children/adults need something different every so often.

I hope you have an enjoyable weekend and the Reception children may be tired after completing their first full week of school together as a class.

Kind regards

Mr Batstone



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