Dear all,
Thank you for the excellent adherence to everything we asked for at Parent's Evening last night, it was lovely to welcome people back into school. We look forward to seeing more of you this week and next Tuesday. If you requested a telephone conversation it will happen in the next few weeks.
Parent evening reminders
- only one parent to attend. No children. (If you are struggling for child care then it is ok to bring your child (ren) and 'thank you' to those who have asked already).
- You must wear a mask unless you are medically exempt. Teachers may remove theirs and allow you to remove yours once you are seated.
- Books will go home (there won't be any books out on the evening) and MUST BE BACK THE FOLLOWING DAY (as your child will need them). This is something that gives more time for you to share but it is based on the understanding that we need the books the following day. If it is successful then it is something we could continue for future Parent's Evenings.
Please arrive just before your appointment time and someone will help you to find the correct classroom (as you may not have been into school for a while).
Roof works - scaffolding and welfare units are going in as we speak. By the end of today an area will be cordoned off for materials and the worker's van. There will be a slight change to the Year R and Year 1 entrance and exit due to some scaffolding and safety. A separate e-mail will be sent to Year R and 1 shortly. I will share where and what is happening later in the week.
Tyres request - we have had an amazing response, thank you. Please 'hold fire' with anymore at the moment and we will be in touch once we have looked at the structure needed. As always an amazing response from parents/carers.
MASC - please remember that everyday is collection via the front door using the radio.
Children In Need - Friday 19th November will be fancy dress day (this can include children who go to forest school and people doing PE, they just need to 'tweak' any costumes to fit what is happening). Don't order anything new or spend a fortune, in fact link with with 're-use, recycle etc' and swap, borrow, adjust and be imaginative. There is no theme just fancy dress or 'dress up' for the day and bring a donation for Children In Need (£1 minimum please).
Future events
IF Covid cases are very low or non-existent in year groups we aim to 'open' more opportunities up for the children and families (the responsibility lies with the whole school community).
Potential events :
- mix the children at break and lunchtimes outside again.
- depending on cost (you might be able to help) we are looking at a marquee to cover the playground so we can hold an outside disco, have PE lessons under cover and potentially more..... it all depends on cost and availability.
- have some face to face assemblies (a few classes at a time to start).
- hold a Christmas Nativity for Year R and Year 1 in Madley Church (we probably won't do the whole school church event this year).
More news to follow later in the week......
Mr Batstone