Welcome to a new week.
1. Attendance
Overall last week = 97.2% (best classes were Year 5 with 99.3% and Year 3 with 98.3%).
Expected good attendance for a school is 95% +, well done everyone.
2. Cooked lunches
Thank you for your patience and understanding as our external caterers implement their new systems of ordering. School does not administer the system and we cannot access it and there are a few things to remember -
Parents/carers MUST cancel their own meals for any absence including illness, curriculum visits, sports events etc (or you will be charged for it).
As the system 'beds' in and our forest school timetable is established it will all begin to work out (only Years 3,4,5 and 6 need to bring a packed lunch on their forest school days).
3. Developing independence
At Madley we are very particular on developing independence and for children taking responsibility. We expect ALL children to carry their own bags and coat (including Reception), they are all capable of doing it and we know everybody can. When children come to school or leave we expect to see them, carrying their own bag (rarely they may need help if they have a lot to carry). Thank you for helping your child.
Mr Batstone