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Headteacher update 14th December



We hope you all had a good weekend. It is the last week of a very long, tiring but enjoyable term in which everyone has worked hard to keep everyone safe, learning and engaged. We are now looking forward to a well earned break before it all starts again in January (when processes, expectations and procedures will be the same). Teachers are finishing off phone calls home (it takes a while).


1. Attendance for the last two weeks - 97.8% for the past two weeks (excellent). 


2. 'Reindeer run' - 

This week classes are doing the 'Reindeer Run' in aid of St.Michael's Hospice. As it is extremely wet could we ask that the children wear old trainers but we also have plans to use the playground or village hall car park if it is too wet to use the bark path. Children will need to wear their PE kits on these days. 


The following are at separate times in the day - 

Monday = Year 5, Year 1 and Year 3.

Tuesday = Year 6, Year 2 and Year 4.

Wednesday = Reception

Still time to collect some donations if you haven't managed to yet. 


3. Christmas jumper week (for fun, not money) - 

Christmas jumpers can be worn everyday this week alongside normal uniform or forest school clothes. We have supported a lot of charities recently so we are not asking for anything for this.

Just jumpers/t-shirt over the top not hair, earrings, accessories or anything else ! 


4. Twitter (@MadleyPrimarySc) 

We don't use Facebook, Instagram or other platforms, just our school website and Twitter to keep you up to date with the latest learning. 


5. Return to school = Wednesday January 6th. Year 3 will have forest school on that day and Year 1 on the Thursday and Year 4 on the Friday as normal. 


6. Forest school this week (some Christmas parties as well) -

Monday - Year R and Year 2 (packed lunch as well) need to wear forest school clothes.

Tuesday - Year 5 need forest school clothes and have a packed lunch.

Wednesday - Year 3 need to wear forest school clothes and have a packed lunch.

Thursday - Year 1 need to wear forest school clothes.

Friday - Year 4 need to wear forest school clothes and have a packed lunch.


Year R need to wear their party clothes on Thursday and Year 1 on Friday. 


More news and some shared learning on Thursday.

Best wishes

Mr Batstone
