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Headteacher Update 15th November 2021

Dear Parents/Carers,


Every week is a busy week but this week is particularly busy with the roof works starting, Year 2 working in the Parish Hall and the 'normal' work/experiences that classes have. This week forest school will mainly be on-site as it is my leadership focus week (I will be doing Year 2 forest school tomorrow all day for reasons below).


Our new word for this week is 'eucatastrophe' - a sudden and favourable resolution of events in a story, a happy ending.


Everything is working well but it all feels a bit chaotic ! Thank you for adjusting and making entry/exit run smoothly.


Final parent's evening is tomorrow (Tuesday) and phone calls will/have started for some already (if you didn't want. couldn't make a face to face).


1. Breakfast Club/MASC parent parking

Please DO NOT use the car park for drop off or pick up until further notice (while the roof works are happening).


2. Year 2 Parent's Evening (Tuesday) - POSTPONED AS MRS CUNNINGHAM IS ILL (Mrs Baker is teaching Year 2 today and it is forest school tomorrow).

Mrs Cunningham has suggested next Tuesday with the same times. If this is an issue please contact the school office.


3. Clubs

There won't be any clubs until the new year. Teachers have a very, very busy day with minimal break times and a club after school would be a step too far !


4. Road safety/road awareness

Not many children have to cross roads at our school but people do get into cars on the road side and walk along narrow pavements. The attached picture is one to raise awareness (there is a child in both photographs !). As the evenings draw in it is worth reminding the children about road safety, clothing and awareness.


5. Anti-bullying week/friendship focus

'Odd socks' are a visual way for children to reinforce what we have talked about in assembly and the classroom. Our discussions in school are based around our values and how we treat other people. Children need to learn to deal with conflict and resolution as part of normal life and we have discussed what 'bullying' actually is. Everyone has the right to feel safe.


6. Year 2 entry and exit from the Parish Hall

Polite reminder that Year 2 are in the Parish Hall everyday until further notice as the roof above their classroom is worked on.

Entry everyday is via the side door (an adult will let them in).

Exit = Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday and Friday will be from the Parish Hall side door.



More updates as the week progresses.......

Kind regards

Mr Batstone
