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Headteacher update 17th December

Dear Parents/Carers,


We have nearly made it (we don't say that too loudly !).  We hope you have a wonderful Christmas and holiday and 'make the best of it' (whatever that may look like). We hope that you have a safe, peaceful and happy Christmas and we will see what January brings ...... 


1. A big 'thank you' to all of the staff at school who have been amazing this term and have gone the 'extra' mile (and more) to make our school a safe, enjoyable and stable place for the children to be. Nothing happens by accident and the dedication, care and hard work has been truly amazing. Everyone now deserves a well earned break and some time to relax before it all starts again. 


'Thank you' to all of you who have worked to keep everyone safe and make everything work well, it is appreciated. There have been some amazing offers of help and generous contributions to school this term. 


2. Learning

The teachers are in the process of putting together their 'books' of the terms learning, sometimes these are hard back books we have a copy of in school and sometimes they are 'books' published to the website. This term each class will publish their 'book' to the website so you can see the breadth of learning that takes place. 


Forest school 'book' - I have put together all of the learning that has taken place at forest school (on-site and at our off school site) this term which includes every class. The breadth and depth of learning can only really be appreciated when you sit down and put something like this together. Please look on the school website under 'forest school' and share it with your child to stimulate thinking and discussion around their learning (it will be posted on the website at some point today). We  teach a range of 'subjects' at forest school and nothing is done in a 'twee' manner as it always has to have depth and meaning (and be memorable). The 'book' is too big to attach to this e-mail as, even 'PDF ed' it contains a great number of photographs. 


3. Return to school - Wednesday January 6th. Please have a safe Christmas holiday. All the same processes and times for PE, forest school etc will remain the same for all classes. 


4. School film - a group of Year 6 children have made a film all about our school and what it is all about, it has been made in a really professional way and captures what Madley is all about. It will be posted on the school website by the end of the week for all to see. 


Best wishes

Mr Batstone 
