Dear Parents/Carers,
I hope you had an enjoyable weekend. Not sure if you know but you have made the paper !
The Hereford Times published a letter from someone who had driven past our school and decided to write about the lack of face masks worn by parents ! They failed to notice everything we have in place, different entrances and the 'flow and go.' At least they didn't comment on the parking ! As a school we will not respond but you may want to as a parent/carer.
Please can we make sure we ALL park safely, sensibly and with consideration this week, at the end of the week we were down to 2 people who lacked awareness (one parent from school and one from pre school). Our collective aim should be 'no more community complaints !'
Please could we remind people that only one parent/carer should drop off or collect from school to minimise the number of people around school.
1. Attendance last week = 98.1% overall. Every class was above 95 %. Long may it continue but we are also prepared for any changes, isolation or positive test results. Keep aware and please do not come to school if you have any symptoms then book a test and keep us informed of your results.
2. NSPCC - every class took part in walks around the 'loop' at forest school and showed great resilience, determination and teamwork in achieving the numbers below. There was a definitive element of competition between classes (even though they all did it separately on different days at different times) and some want to do it again ! The loop involves a steep hill. We were replicating a NSPCC climb of the Shard steps in London. A brilliant effort from everyone and a pleasure to watch the teamwork, encouragement and endeavour. If you still wosh to donate then please send it in with your child.
Class R = 2 loops
Class 1 = 3 loops
Class 2 = 4 loops
Class 3 = 5 loops
Class 4 = 8 loops (some did 10,11 and one child did 13 !)
Class 5 = 10 (they did it after Year 6 and wanted to beat them !)
Class 6 = 8 loops (they want to do it again and beat Year 5 !) - 8 loops is the equivalent of walking directly from school to forest school and back !
3. Community Garden next steps - more offers of help arrived last week and some good funding opportunities. We are now thinking of an outdoor, covered kitchen area for community cooking sessions. In the new year we will give a separate, detailed plan with a work schedule. We have some amazing offers of help, materials, advice and building skills.
4. Pets in school - again some amazing offers of cages, care and animals. We are looking to get small pets (as we used to) as they are good for children to care for and offer therapeutic times for children.
More information later in the week. Teachers continue with their phone calls home, it will take a few weeks !
Mr Batstone