Hello everyone,
I was going to send this later in the week but it is better to do it now.
As you may or may not know one of our local high schools has had to shut for a period of time due to Covid outbreaks, could we please ask that pupils from that school are not picking up siblings from Madley (we would love to see them but probably best to be extra cautious at the moment). It could happen to any school and we wish our colleagues and ex pupils our best wishes and a hope that the school returns to more normality as soon as possible.
At the moment we just have various 'bugs' in school but please be extra sensitive to coughs, other symptoms and we encourage you to test regularly.
Science Quality Mark
After a great deal of work in really challenging times we have achieved our Science Quality Mark 2021 - 2024. We have used the process to raise the profile of Science, further embed it in the curriculum and develop our teaching and learning. The virtual Science events during lockdown were excellent but also exemplified the challenges we faced. A particular 'well done' to Mr Ford (Science Co-ordinator) who has led the process and completed lots of paperwork alongside the day job. A nice start to the week as we were informed on Monday.
As a school we only go for awards that mean something or help us to develop, this was one of those awards.
Computer gender research project
Year 4 are involved in a research project focussing on females and computers. The project is looking at raising the profile of women in computing. It is a really interesting and worthwhile study as research has shown reduced numbers of females in computing (and engineering). As a school we encourage everyone to do everything and address and perceptions of gender inequalities, sometimes there is a perception that certain sports or jobs are 'just for boys/men' and we address this through values, good role models and an understanding of the wider world.
Awareness of where you stand - don't block pavements or stand in the road (2 new road cones deceased this week).
- Please can we ask Year 4 parents to stand in the area outside the classroom exit so the gates are free.
- Could we ask all parents/carers not to block or stand in the middle of pavements (especially outside of the Year 5/6 exit) as people have to take to the road. In the last week 3 new yellow cones have been destroyed by passing vehicles ! Please don't let that be a person !
- Yellow cones are there as a 'buffer' zone to allow pedestrians to use the pavements safely. We have 'lost' 4 cones to traffic hits in the first two weeks, it shows the traffic and speed passing through Madley. A cone can be replaced !
School residential update - plans
Hopefully we will be able to take Year 5 and 6 away in February 2022 and we have also booked Longtown Outdoor Centre for a Year 3/4 residential (a few days) in May 2022. More news to follow shortly .......
Curriculum visits
This is a 'trip' but we call them curriculum visits as the focus is on learning not a day out and a trip to the shop to buy a pencil (all valid but not the purpose of any visit). Yesterday Year 2 visited Bristol and sailed on The Matthew as part of their theme. They then looked at all the different boats in the harbour and enjoyed watching a crane display (bit of luck it was on). The children were excellent but it reminded us that they hadn't been anywhere for a while and it was full of new experiences and reminders (like how we cross the road as a class the 'Madley way).
Have a good rest of the week
Mr Batstone