Hello everyone,
The roof works continue well (Year 2 will be in the Parish Hall until further notice) and hopefully the weather forecast for the weekend will be kind.
1. PTA hamper event details
Non uniform this Friday (TOMORROW) in return for donations for the PTA Christmas Hamper event. A separate Parentmail was sent last week.
2. School lunchboxes/snacks and children's health
Part of our eco schools work is about healthy living as well as plastic packaging and one of the aims of the children for this year is to reduce the use of single use plastic. We have a number of children who appear to have everything in a packet that they cannot open independently. The sugar content of some foods in packets is also enormous. We are asking for parents/carers to look carefully at what is provided for packed lunches.
Healthy snacks - a piece of fruit or a healthy snack has always been part of our culture. Years R,1 and 2 receive free fruit through school.
Lunchboxes - parents/carers are responsible for ensuring that your child has a nutritious, balanced and healthy lunchbox.
3. Staffing news
Mr John Cotterell will start work as our new caretaker/site manager in a few weeks. Mr Cotterell joins us with a wealth of experience in grounds maintenance, working with contractors and with a drive to make our school environment the 'best it can be.'
Miss Elizabeth Marlow joins us as an LSA (Learning Support Assistant) in Year 1 in 2 weeks time to replace Miss Cooke. She is a qualified teacher, Forest School leader and has a wide range of skills that will benefit the children.
Mr Quinlan Lacey has been working with us for a few months to help fill some gaps in both the classroom and MASC. He is waiting to join the Navy and officer training and has been an absolute 'star' with everything he has done. He understands the values, culture and approach of the school (he was a pupil here) and, hopefully, this experience will help him on the ships/submarines of the future !
4. Children In Need
We all had a great time dressing up on Friday and everyone put a lot of effort in. We raised £263.69
5. Independence
Small things matter and make a massive difference -
Please let them carry their own book bags etc into school.
Please expect them to be able to do things for themselves (as they do it everyday here).
6. Covid free means ....
- we have joined together some classes for assemblies (3 classes for each assembly).
- Children have been able to mix at break and lunchtimes (THEY ARE STILL GETTING USED TO THIS).
- children are able to use more of the school grounds.
- we are 'double bubbling' toilets and the portaloos will disappear for the winter. Year 5 and 6 will have some posh, heated toilets on the patio outside their room. Year 3 and 4 will share the inside toilets. Year R and 1 already share the infant toilets. Year 2 are in the Parish Hall so have toilets anyway (they will have a portaloo for break/lunchtimes and when they are on-site for forest school etc). MASC use the Junior toilets now after school.
Toilets are still a great expense to the school as we do not receive additional funding for this (any help/donations/business sponsorship would be greatly appreciated).
Covid situations can and will change rapidly (there are schools in Herefordshire closed at the moment) and we need people to be aware, testing and keeping everyone safe.
7. Madley Culture (attached)
All of the staff at Madley were asked for key words to describe their connection with school. The result is attached.
An update of attendance, Covid etc will follow tomorrow.
Mr Batstone