Dear Parents/Carers,
I trust you are well and enjoying the varied weather (apparently we may experience snow in the next few weeks !). As we approach the colder weather children need a 'proper' coat in school everyday please (gloves and hat are optional but often a good idea), now the weather will warm up again !
1. Covid update
At the moment it feels like we are playing 'Whack a Mole' without the hammer ! We have gone from control over infections to feeling like we are working from day to day and walking a tightrope as we try to keep adults safe and in school. It would not take many adults to be ill for our school not to be able to function as a place of education. It is not being sensational but a reality ! Thank you for helping with good communication, awareness and testing, it is appreciated.
'The bigger picture'
- Rates in Herefordshire of new infections are rising rapidly and are, nationally, very high. Having experienced the walk in centre and the number of children taking PCR tests it is very evident where the majority of infections occur.
- We have positive cases in year groups other than Year 6 but very sensible parents/carers have kept their children away from school if another family member tests positive. This has helped to stop any new infections although it may still happen.
- Year 6 have not had any new infections and children should be returning to school (unless they were positive and then are given a date by the NHS).
- The majority of people are not seriously ill, children especially, but we know from our own experiences that adults suffer more and it continues with fatigue after the 10 days of isolation.
2. Parking/driving
I have been in contact with the local Police and will send them the registration details of parents/carers who are a risk around around our school by parking without consideration for others, turning in the road, stopping/dropping by the yellow cones or generally being selfish. It is a minority but completely contradicts our school values. We NEVER lose sight of the majority of parents/carers who have good awareness, care and community spirit and help to enhance the reputation of the school.
Please can we ask that all our parents/carers exemplify responsibility, awareness and care as the majority of you do. Thank you to those who think about others and always park/drive with care around our school.
3. More positive news.....
The week of October 18th is going to be a very busy week -
1. Year 5 and 6 are booked for Longtown activity days on Monday (Year 5) and Tuesday (Year 6) and we will need a voluntary contribution from parents (a letter will follow soon). This is a good opportunity for team building, individual challenge and communication as well as a break from the current situation.
2. An amazing opportunity/offer has come from PGL for Years 3 and 4 to spend two days and overnight at a centre not too far away and transport (by coach) - all for absolutely no cost to the school or parents/carers ! The two days will be Tuesday (19th October) and Wednesday (20th October). In return we have to evaluate our experiences and feedback to PGL. More news next week for Year 3 and 4 parents/carers. I have checked that we will not 'cross over' with other schools and can operate on our own.
3. Year 5 will be travelling to the American Museum in Bath on Thursday 21st October as part of their theme. They will be travelling by coach as the museum have a grant available for some of the cost. Again information will follow for Year 5 soon.
All of the above are dependent on:
1. Staff volunteers to staff it all and to be away from their own families.
2. Safety and Covid cases in school/year groups.
4. Opportunities at school
We currently have a vacancy for a Learning Support Assistant for 5 days a week (the advertisement is on the Hoople website) and we are searching for the right person who understands (or who is willing to learn) the values, culture and learning approach of our school (we are very, very picky !). We are a professional working environment and our standards are very high, if you feel that you may contribute to our team then please contact the office or look on the Hoople website (search teaching vacancies in Herefordshire and Hoople will come up, then school vacancies).
We are still planning a safe way to hold parents' evenings so you can see the books/work and safely discuss your child with their teachers. There will be an option for a telephone conversation instead or you may want to make an appointment earlier (but don't all rush or it won't work). As always if you have any immediate concerns/questions or compliments please contact the school office.
Kind regards
Mr Batstone