Dear Parents/Carers,
I hope that you have a restful, play filled half term and continue to be safe and sensible. There are a few schools in and around Hereford with Covid cases and year groups isolating, it is still real and we need to gradually relax our procedures but slowly and safely (you may notice the 2M markings are gradually fading, hopefully we will never have to reinstate them).
I am part of some national forums and one of the positive aspects is reflecting on how you as parents/families engage with the school and how the majority of people always try to do 'the right thing.' I have taken part in some virtual meetings both locally and nationally in the past few weeks where stories of parental complaints and behaviours have been appalling (even people being asked to park sensibly reflecting on how it would added minutes to their day !).
Thank you for your support of the school, your 'common sense', values and the manner in which you all conduct yourselves, it isn't 'luck' it is our sense of community, hard work and shared values that make us who we are !
1. Bags in school
Bags should not be coming into school except on forest school days. We will gradually ease towards cloakroom use again but there won't be any need for big bags in school ever again.
2. Processes and procedures after half term
- Masks will still need to be worn around school please (more news in the first week back)
- Timings will remain the same.
3. Class 'indoor' garden competition
The competition is 'hotting up' with Year 1 holding a very successful cake sale and now have funds towards their plans. Parents have been helping out with plant purchases and we will have those in school after half term.
4. Attendance = 96 % for the school (Class 6 and Class 4 were the highest with over 98 %).
Lateness - a small minority of children are arriving late on a regular basis and it is becoming a habit. When we had a 'no late' entry policy it wasn't happening. Occasional lateness due to vehicle issues etc are acceptable but not regular lateness.
5. Police presence monitoring traffic and parking
As many of you will have seen PCSO Pete Knight was outside of school yesterday monitoring the traffic and parking. Compared to the majority of schools in the area ours is good. Our only issues are a minority of parents/carers who 'drop off', turn in inappropriate places and aren't very considerate. The majority are really good and you make life easier for everyone !
PCSO Knight will also be coming to school after half term so the children aren't scared of uniforms and they understand the role that the Police actually play in helping our communities.
Attached is a flier for Luctonians.
Have a good half term.
kind regards
Mr Batstone
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