Dear Parents/Carers,
School will be closed to all pupils on Wednesday January 6th as we work our way through the numerous requests for children to be in school. We are back to the same position as March as we are inundated with requests (all have perfectly reasonable reasons but some have mis-interpreted the criteria, just because a business is open does not mean that it meets 'key worker' status).
We have a duty of care to ensure all staff are safe and a number of requests do not meet the criteria (we do not need a letter of proof from an employer as past experience means they don't help). Whilst we understand the pressure on parents and the sudden announcement there are people requesting a place who do not meet the key worker criteria. The government information is so wide it could cover every occupation so we have to make some difficult decisions as a school to ensure we can operate safely.
Support staff will be supervising the children in school as teachers will be focussed on learning all day, every day (more information to follow tomorrow). LSAs are not employed on INSET days so communication, organisation and safety training will take place on Wednesday.
These are challenging times for all of us so please, please think carefully about any requests and needs.
Mr Batstone