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Update - Friday 12th March

Hello everyone ! 

The end of the first week with everyone back (we were never closed before) and I am sure everyone is tired with new routines, expectations, eating times, awareness of safety and everything else !). Everyone has done really well and it is all working well, we take each day at a time at the moment. 

  • Thank you to parents/carers for your awareness, care and speed when dropping off and picking up. Like the human Red Arrows ! 
  • Thank you to the children for their attitude, positivity, behaviour and approach this week.
  • Thank you to the hard working and dedicated staff who haven't stopped in a year and have 'gone the extra mile' and made everything run smoothly. 

Now lets keep it going, Easter will be our first chance to make things a bit more relaxed hopefully. 

Don't worry if you arrive a little late at the end of the day as it is fine (and often you are actually on time but it has cleared quickly).

Could we also ask that we do not have queues of people 10 minutes before the children come out, they won't come out any earlier just because you are there ! Stay in your car or away from school until a minute or two before the allocated time. Then it all flows beautifully ! 

1. School Nurse Service 

We recently received the following information. 

 Please feel free to pass on our details below to any parents who might need our support at the moment.

  •          School Nursing service is available for support between 9am and 5pm 
  •          One to one service is still available if appropriate and safe to do so. 
  •          Contact can be made by phone to the office 01432 363940  
  •          Contact by email  please ensure Child’s school name is on the email 
  •          This is manned from 9am - 5pm 

2. Shoes - lots of children are growing out of shoes, not a problem and 'thank you' for the e-mails so we know. 


Have a lovely weekend.


Mr Batstone 
