Happy Friday !
1. Exciting times ahead (if things stay on track and it is safe to do so)
- Easter egg hunt for the children.
- sports day (either just the children or, hopefully, with parents present)
- Summer fete
- School discos
- Residentials for Years 3 and 4 and Years 5 and 6 (maybe, even if it is just Longtown for all and just our school)
- Longtown activity days
- Comet's Meadow Community Garden project
- Clubs
- Curriculum visits (hopefully one to the beach !) - these can be local and outside to begin with
- The children mixing again on the field and playground
- Assemblies (first time in a year though we will have a mix of online ones as well)
- Parent's evenings
- New Reception parents meeting
- Family forest school sessions
- PRIDE mornings to enhance the school grounds
During this year there are some things that we have found to be better and we won't change whereas there are other aspects of school that will return to 'normal or pre Covid.'
2. Courtyard World Book Week activities - attached is information regarding sessions the Courtyard Theatre is offering online next week.
3. Next week will be 'World Of Books' week and the whole school will take part in the same theme based around a variety of books (don't panic you be expected to have them or order them - we will give you the relevant parts).
Have a good weekend.
Mr Batstone