Dear Parents/Carers,
The end of a very busy and diverse term approaches. There have been many changes this term, please be mindful that you, your family and your children have all experienced new and challenging times (as we all have) and they will have an impact on mood, behaviours and approaches to everyday life. It does mean they are long term or they will have adverse effects on your child, it may just be changes of routine, expectations and anxiety (not all anxiety is bad as there is anxiety everyday and humans have it naturally). As time progresses things may settle or you may still have concerns or worries, all of this is perfectly normal and ok.
1. Attendance last week - This will be in the Monday update but attendance levels are good.
2. Last week of term - we have made it to the end of another term which combined both home learning and being in school. A big 'thank you' to all of the school staff for their hard work, dedication and relentless effort this term, they deserve a break. Thank you to all parents/carers for your support during these challenging times. Thank you to the children for the way they have slotted back into school and coped well with everything.
3. All Star Cricket - attached is a flier from Luctonians regarding their All Star Cricket programme. There are other clubs locally that also run All Star Cricket.
4. Parking and cars - this is generally ok around school though we still need some awareness of opening doors into the road (as someone did as a lorry came the other day, close shave !) and where it is safe to turn. There have been accidents in the past when people turn using the Bridge Sollars junction, if you continue down the road 200m there is a turning on your left where the buses turn which is a bit safer.
Parking in the village - there is plenty of space as very short, safe walk from school. The park or roads in the village (safe routes from the park with no crossing of roads).
5. Pick up reminders - please remain in your car or away from school until a minute before your pick up time, it saves queues. Your children are safe and they are perfectly fine to wait. The 'flow' at the beginning and end of the day is working well, thank you.
6. Breakfast Club (run by pre school but in our school hall) and MASC will re-start after the Easter holidays. Please contact pre school for breakfast club and the school office for MASC. Both are charged services. When we start after Easter the children will still be in their class groups but in the hall in different spaces. Drop off and pick up will be the same as before Christmas via the front door and radio.
7. Class bubbles - the children do not mix or cross over with children from other classes in the interests of safety (we even have separate toilets for each year group). Therefore we would ask you not to bring other people's children from different year groups to school or have playdates until the rules ease. Hopefully we can begin to relax the rules in the near future.
8. Chromebooks - all Chromebooks should now have been returned to school.
Thank you for your continued support, co-operation and understanding, it is appreciated.
Mr Batstone