Dear Parents/Carers,
The end of another busy week with lots happening in school. Next week we will take 'small steps' to start to mix children in certain spaces. Year R and 1 will eat in the hall at separate tables and we will mix two classes at a time at break and lunchtimes. Separate toilets will be in place until the end of the school year. We will monitor how it all works and, hopefully, we won't have any issues. Children need to gradually get back to more normal life in school, there are some aspects that we will retain as they work much better.
1. 100% attendance on Wednesday this week ! Worth a mention in its own right. Overall attendance will be published each Monday.
2. Collage photos (attached) - these exemplify some of the work that has happened in school this week, this is just the tip of the iceberg as so much more happens on a daily basis.
3. PE and the Olympics - prior to the London Olympics we tried to complete a session of every Olympic sport. As part of the build up to this years Olympic Games the children will be taking part in lots of Olympic sports.
4. Photography - we have just purchased a number of excellent (but quite cheap) cameras for children to document their learning, use for photography and also for forest school work. The photos that Year 6 have taken so far are amazing.
Have a lovely bank holiday weekend, stay safe and see you on Tuesday.
kind regards
Mr Batstone