Dear Parents/Carers,
The end of another busy week with lots happening in school as well as locally and nationally. March 8th seems to be the magic date for the 'next steps' with regard to education and life but there is no further news yet, we are told we will have 2 weeks notice (and I suspect you will know at exactly the same time as we do !). Pressure will start to build and the media will be full of the 'return to school' but nothing will happen until the government clarify it, we will wait and see what happens............
Last weekend we were promised snow and it just rained, this weekend we have the same promise so I am hoping it happens then the sun is out by Monday !!
Important learning information
White Rose Maths - children must watch the video and not just attempt the activities. We know that the video 'spoon feeds' the children the majority of what they will need (there may still be some confusion and new learning), we know it works as I have watched children doing it and it works well for a variety of ages and abilities. Some aspects of the maths are challenging e.g fractions so please just try your best as it is a hard thing to teach.
Seesaw tracking - every home situation is different and there are families who are still managing to learn and complete work in very, very challenging situations (absolutely amazing) and the vast majority of people are 'doing their best' and making it work for them. We will ring families if work is not coming in and we don't know any reason why.
Forest school ideas
Stick balance challenge - at forest school this week we developed a stick challenge that you may want to attempt (and share).
Challenge 1 - balance one stick on another (no using knots or 'kinks' to make it easier). Straight sticks or bent sticks develop questioning about balance and what works best.
Challenge 2 - can you sit down and stand up without the maintaining the balanced stick ?
Challenge 3 - how many sticks can you balance on your one stick ?
Challenge 4 (you will need help for this one) - Can you have a stick in each hand with a balanced stick on each ? Can you move around ? Sit down and stand up ?
Challenge 5 - How many sticks can you balance on the two sticks in each hand ?
You might develop some more challenges so please send them in if you do.
Stick sculpture -
The children in school developed some balance sculptures at forest school. Dig a stick in the ground (it may have 'branches') and balance other sticks of various sizes and shapes on it. How many can you get on ? Is it a piece of art as well ? Take a photograph.
Guidance and expectations regarding Covid -
The situation has not changed and people still need absolute awareness and care. A few areas have been tightened and clarified for school by the DFE:
“Ensuring that pupils, staff and other adults do not come into the school if they have coronavirus (Covid-19) symptoms or live in a household with someone who does or have tested positive in at least the last 10 days and ensuring anyone developing those symptoms during the school day is sent home, are essential actions to reduce the risk in schools and further drive down transmission of coronavirus (Covid-19).”
Tribute to Captain Sir Tom Moore
Attached is a photo of Mr Freeman's stone artwork from last year when Captain Tom was completing his walk. Every time you listen to interviews with Captain Tom you hear the positivity and enthusiasm for life, an inspiration to us all. The children could develop their own tribute.
One of the 'positive' aspects of the current situation is the generosity and kindness of people, we have seen numerous examples of this from our own school community from the garden project, to food donations, to helping each other and the appreciation for the small things. We also have people who have stepped up to help the wider community like the example below:
Chromebooks - thanks to the generosity of Madley Charities and our generous parent we have distributed 45 Chromebooks so far allowing children to access work and be able to home learn properly. Thank you to those parents/carers who have provided some feedback as we pass it on (without names). Our DFE allocation of 5 devices have not arrived
yet !
Have a lovely weekend.
kind regards
Mr Batstone