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Update - Monday 15th March

Welcome to week 2 of everyone being back. Last week was successful in the entry and exit to school so please keep up the good work. We hope that you are still being completely aware of the current guidance and keeping everyone safe, 'lockdown' is not over yet. 

Please -

  • Park safely, sensibly and with good awareness.
  • Don't queue and arrive a couple of minutes before your child's exit time. 
  • Move away from school quickly and safely. 'Flow and go !'
  • Please be aware that not all children like dogs and we are having an increase in dogs coming onto school grounds. A 'one off' trip to show off a new puppy is fine but not everyday. Dogs outside of school grounds are your own responsibility. 
  • Make sure you wear a mask around school at all times unless you have a medical condition.

Covid aware

- If your child or any member of your family displays symptoms please get tested and do not come to school until you have a negative result (it is quite quick now). In the event of a positive test please inform us as soon as possible.

- If you are using lateral flow tests and it is positive you should book a 'proper' test and then inform us of the result. 

- Be prepared for a class bubble to isolate in the case of a positive case in school. Hopefully it wouldn't be the whole school as we are keeping classes separate and adults are very mindful of safety. If 'bubbles' isolate it will return to Seesaw and home learning unless the class teacher is ill. 

1. Clothes donations

- can anyone donate any 'joggers' as spare clothing for our younger children (ages 4 - 6) in the event of accidents. Please e-mail or phone then we can arrange for you to drop them at the front door.

- Could we also ask that people check they have brought spare clothing back as our supplies are very low and some 'borrowed' clothing has not been returned. We always buy new knickers/pants but need them returned please.

2. Clothing bank at the front of school

This is till open and has operated all the way through since March. The PTA receives payments for donated clothing.

3. Chrome book return next week (days will be published on Wednesday) 

Please make sure they are 'power washed' before hand in the settings to reset them.

In the event of isolation of class bubbles we can get them to people again (lets hope it doesn't happen). 

4. 'Everything but your nose red day !' - we are having our own 'take' on the day

On Friday children can wear red anywhere and everywhere except their nose ! Hair, face paint, clothing, one sock etc. IT IS NOT A 'NORMAL' NON UNIFORM DAY and we would expect children to make the effort to wear something red and be aware of the purpose of the day.

If children have a red nose and want to bring it for breaks and lunchtime they can. 

Please don't feel pressure to head online for anything, just use what you might have ! 

5. Has anyone got ...........

Any indoor plants for school to have in classrooms to make our environment a bit greener. 

Any scaffolding boards for the children to make some bench seats for forest school.

Scaffolding poles and connectors for the children to build seating in our outdoor 'shed' that was built a few years ago and is our on-site forest school mini classroom. 

Please e-mail if you can help with any of the above.

Have a good start to the week.


Mr Batstone
