Good morning,
One week until we return to a full school (even if things will still be very restrictive to ensure we are all safe), we have not been closed and everyone has been working harder than ever during this lockdown.
You have had lots of information 'drip fed' over the last week and more will follow this week (some repeated to ensure it is read).
1. Values for March - 'thoughfulness and trust'
As we return to school these values are particularly relevant as people mix again and re-establish social interactions. Children have had a very mixed year alongside worries and daily changes, everyone needs to be mindful that these have an impact and we need everyone to have good awareness of others and to treat everyone with respect.
Our expectations of all children are high and we expect them to behave, be kind and show great awareness of others.
We also expect all of our adults, parents and carers to be thoughtful and kind, this includes your use of social media and especially 'Whats App' in relation to school and staff. We do not tolerate abuse of any form and will always take the strictest action we need to protect all staff.
All staff are thoughtful, hard working, respectful and professional with all parents/carers and we expect the same in return both face to face and online.
2. Numbers in school this week
Monday = 24
Tuesday = 38
Wednesday = 33
Thursday = 37
Friday = 24
3. Chrome book return
Please do not return the borrowed Chromebooks to school until you are instructed to, we will do it year group by year group. When it is your turn please reset (powerwash) in settings to clear all of your data.
4. This weeks learning
'World Of Books' week -
A final week of home learning and we have another week of a 'shared approach' using World Book Day as a stimulus for the whole week. Reading is such an important skill and a love of books (fiction and non-fiction is vital). Please make sure you are learning this week and ensuring your child has the right habits for next week.
Free workshops from The Courtyard are on this week and a flier is attached.
The weeks ahead
Building stamina - however you have managed home learning it is not school and does not have the same times or timetable. Your child will be extremely tired as we return to school and the week progresses.
Routine - we have said it before but this is vital component for a young brain. Getting up, getting dressed, setting the brain to work, going for a walk and going to bed at a reasonable time as well as eating well are all extremely important.
Independence - one of the aspects from the return after the last lockdown was a loss of independence from lots of children across the school. We expect children to take responsibility for their belongings and to carry their own bags/coats in and out of school (small things count and make a positive difference).
Lots of information about the return next week will begin to 'flow' via Parent mail to individual classes as well as the daily update so please ensure that you have read things thoroughly and you understand the procedures for drop off, face masks, parking and everything else before next Monday. Lunch menus have already gone out and need to be returned so we don't have to chase people.
A reminder that MASC (Madley After School Club) will not recommence until after the Easter holidays. Breakfast Club is run by Pre School and information will be communicated separately.
Have a good day
Mr Batstone