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Update - Thursday 25th February

Dear all,

There has been a significant 'drop off' in the amount of work being submitted by some classes and children. Hopefully this is because they are actively pursuing the mountain project, feedback would suggest children are really engaged with the steps challenge and the various other challenges.

Some parents/carers have been very good at communicating reasons why work may be late or not coming in (work pressures, medical issues etc) and these are all acceptable and reasonable. 

1. Travel update - From Friday March 12th until Monday 22nd March (between 9am and 5pm) Stoney Street will be closed for resurfacing.

2. Future thinking and planning

From Monday March 8th (some aspects to be reviewed at Easter)

Lunches - 

Normal service will be resumed from Monday March 8th with school meals provided. The process for ordering will be the same and deadlines will be the same. The order menu has gone out via Parentmail for you to order ready for Monday 8th March. 

Children will eat in their classrooms (Reception in the hall) for the time being as we did before Christmas. 

School uniform - 

Don't panic ! It is highly likely that shoes, uniform and other things don't fit any more. Please e-mail if shoes don't fit and we will allow trainers (but it isn't a fashion show and we expect compliance and 'common sense'). We are happy to wait until after Easter/when the shops re-open before you can purchase uniform or get shoes fitted. 

The rules on jewellery are the same as always - small, plain stud earrings and nothing else. One charity wrist band may be worn. Hair accessories need to be plain and simple. 

PE kit - 

As before Christmas children will wear PE kit on the days they have PE. These days will be published next week. 

School clubs - 

Our aim is to get clubs going as soon as possible but in a different form to normal. Our aim is to have some 'year group' only clubs for certain year groups (boys and girls) before Easter, more details to follow next week. 

Forest school -

Children/classes will be going to forest school again on the mini-buses (masks may be worn). We will publish the days that classes will go to forest school next week. 

What can children bring to school ? (All belongings will be kept on or under their chair)

A coat
Lunchbox and drinks bottle (no fizzy drinks/energy drinks). 


NO BAGS at the moment (except a plastic bag that could be folded up). 

Transport to and from school

- You should not lift share unless everyone is part of the same support bubble (you can only have one bubble). 

- Buses will operate as normal for those children who travel by bus. 


- please park safely, sensibly and away from school if possible (park car park/roads further from school and walk). WE DO NOT OPERATE A DROP OFF SYSTEM. 

- Do not park or pull in in front of the pub as that spaces acts as a passing place for traffic

- The vast majority of parent/carers are thoughtful, aware and sensible with their parking. We will report (and encourage residents to report) people who don't. 

- Timings at the end of school should result in people being able to park and get away much quicker. 

Office access

Parents/Carers are not allowed into the school building until further notice.

Please phone or e-mail until further notice. 

Have a good day.


Mr Batstone 
