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Update - Thursday January 28th

Hello everyone,

A very mixed week in lots of ways. It is a year this Sunday since the first patients with Covid entered hospital, sometimes it seems longer and sometimes shorter ! Next week would also normally be our Year 5 and 6 residential to Stackpole. Lets hope that within the next year life is back to as close to normal as possible and we can all re-connect with friends, family and the wider world again. We now know it will be at least March 8th before we have any return to school, any other information is unknown at this time. 

1. Mindset

Attached is a document concerning 'fixed mindset' and 'growth mindset' - children must 'fail' in order to succeed but managing that is hard (and reactions at home would be different to school). We live in a world of fast success (gaming is a classic example) but children need to practise, fail, practise/improve and they might fail again but it develops resilience. 

2. Mental health -

3. Acts of kindness - 

Attached is a kindness calendar from before Christmas. You can take the ideas and use them as a family challenge instead of a build up to Christmas. 

4. Internet safety

Please make sure you are very aware of what your children are doing online or with their phone. Keeping children safe is vitally important and, with their lack of other freedoms, we all need to be aware of how they are using the virtual world (on-line gaming, texts, social media etc). 

Seesaw advice is attached as well. 

Have a good Thursday.


Mr Batstone 
