1. 'Climb Every Mountain' Hopefully you have 'had a go' at starting the challenge. There is no need for any fancy equipment as you can count the steps (or keep a tally) or use IT, if you have it. 'Little and often' is fine, as is 'one big push a day.' You decide how you want to do it but the purpose was to do something slightly different that was also active to get people back 'into the flow' of learning at home. As with everything 'do your best but do something !' 2. Staffing in school Everyone has been working extremely hard and making the best of it. We still have a number of staff off for medical and personal reasons, details of these would never be shared but we act closely as a 'team' and cover each other's backs but it does put pressure on everyone. 3. The Roadmap - what do we know so far ? How will it affect school ? Experience has told us that the details to any plans for schools comes much later after any announcements (and sometimes the night before the actual event). At least we have plenty of notice this time and we look forward to welcoming people back from Monday March 8th. We will go through every part of the planned return and then make a 'Madley plan' for everything from entry/exit times, expectations of parents/carers to MASC and everything else in between. We will then communicate that with you as soon as possible (hopefully this week) but it will still be very restrictive in and around school and we will have a very cautious approach. We will also be starting to unpick the pressures of 'catch up' or another term that is used. We have not had any cases in school but we have had families who have had it/currently got it and it is still prevalent in the community. We have to act with care and caution and make sure everyone is fully aware and safe. Everyone has played their part brilliantly so far so we just need to keep it going. More to follow soon (lots and lots of information so I will break it down over the next week or so). Have a good day Regards Mr Batstone