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Update - Tuesday March 2nd

Dear Parents/Carers,


All the line markings are refreshed and we are getting things ready for a return next Monday. Keep up the work and habits this week so the children have the right mindset for a return next week. 

When we return to school we need to very aware of each other and maintain the correct social distancing (2m) and 'flow and go' from the site and area quickly. We have not had any cases directly in school as yet but we are expecting some this term (that will result in 'class bubbles' isolating for 10 days at home) so we need to be extra safe until the situation ease even more.

Face masks in and around school are mandatory for all adults (except if you have a medical condition) and they must be a proper face covering not a jumper pulled up. Staff will be wearing masks in corridors etc as well as aprons and gloves if they wish. Please prepare your children for this. 

All staff and practitioners who work here have lateral flow tests twice a week and everyone is acutely aware of their responsibilities to their team mates and our community. 

Communication with teachers - as before it is via e-mail to or phone (and they will get back to you).

Please do not stop at the entrance/exit for a 'chat' or a 'catch up.' 

1. Independence 

The last return to school was good and our only main concern was a lack of independence from some children, small things matter for all ages.

Top tips 

  • Give your child small responsibilities (make your bed/lay the table/small jobs but big impact on others). 
  • On our return to school all children should be carrying their own lunchboxes/drinks in and out of school. 

2. Communication 

Updates are copied onto the school website each day (no attachments) but all of the text. There are lots of ways of getting the correct information from the correct people. 

3. Parking

Park safely and sensibly.

Be aware of others. 

There is no drop off/pick up.

There is plenty of parking a short walk from school.

DO NOT park in front of the pub.

Parish hall car park cannot be used as it is an entrance/exit for Years 2 and 3. 

Older children may walk out sensibly on their own but not in a group. 

There will be a minority of families who have children coming out at different times in different places, you should have time to get to different places or they walk to you (oldest child) and, like before, it will work but take a day or two to adjust. 

  • The start time for school will be the same for everyone (gates will open at 8:50am and close at 9am sharp, we will only allow late entry if there has been an emergency) but we will stagger the end of school from 3:15 pm (see below). This will be reviewed at the end of this term and we hope to be able to change back to our normal times (which are much longer than the majority of schools). 
  • Exit times 

R - 3:15pm

1 = 3:25pm

2 = 3:20 pm

3 = 3:30 pm

4 = 3:30 pm

5 = 3:20 pm

6 = 3:30 pm    

  • Children can only be collected from their designated exit. Year 5 and 6 children may walk home on their own if you let us know. We want minimal/no queues, better 'flow' and better parking. 
  • We will return to different entrances/exits for different year groups (these will be the same as before Christmas and I will include a reminder next week). 

4. Uniform/PE kit and forest school clothes (these are the same 'rules' we have always had).

Uniform - some things may not fit so do what you can. Shoes especially may be an issue so trainer are ok until the shops open but you must let us know. 

PE kit - plain white t-shirt, hoodie, shorts or plain tracksuit bottoms, trainers or PE shoes. 

Forest school clothes - dress to be warm and to get dirty ! Old clothes and layers are best. 

Last term we had very few issues with uniform, PE kit or forest school clothes as people applied common sense and did the right thing. Same again please. 

Seesaw on Friday

All of the teachers will be in school preparing and doing some training. There will be work set but it does not need to be uploaded to Seesaw and it will not be checked throughout the day. Please do not post anything on Friday. 

Have a good day.


Mr Batstone 
