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Update Wednesday 21st AprIl

Welcome back to school. Thank you for the calm, sensible and safe return. 


April values = Resilience and determination 


1. Covid updates - nothing has changed with our procedures and expectations. We have families who are isolating and there are still cases in our school community (small numbers). We are also mixing within school a bit more as we have MASC and breakfast clubs operating safely. We will progress slowly, sensibly and safely as the situation eases. Thank you for the very sensible communication from parents with regard to coughs, colds and 'normal' illnesses that are still around. 


2. The 'Big Ask' - nationally there is a survey conducted with schools to evaluate the thoughts of children, some of our children will take part in this online, anonymous survey. We have also been doing our own thinking with all classes about the unique and special aspects of our school (these will be shared once we have all the work in). 


3. 'Flow and go' - could we please ask that we do not have queues in the morning at any gate. Please stay in your car or away from school until a minute or so before the gate opening times (8:50am) then it all works better. Standing at the gate will not get it open any earlier ! 


4. Forest school clothing - please remember it is not a 'fashion show' or own clothes day and children need to wearing practical, sensible and 'old' clothes that will get dirty, muddy and potentially ruined ! As we move towards summer children will need a cap or hat in the woods as the flies ! 


Updates will still be 3 times a week and the newsletter will be back in circulation again soon as Mrs Johnson has made a welcome return to school (we are now back to full strength with everyone back). 


Have a good day


Mr Batstone 
