Welcome to Wednesday. An exciting week in school as begin to mix a few classes together for breaks and lunchtimes, the children have been a bit wary as it is a new 'habit' again but they have coped well and it has been lovely to see some 're-connections' in school (we know that some children mix outside of school). This is a slow, cautious approach and we will monitor closely the impact.
The responsibility to each other and for everyone is still part of our expectations of you, keep up the good work (it is helpful if families are self testing, we don't need to know the result but it gives our community a sense of 'sharing and caring' and our community some peace of mind).
1. Park and Stride - this starts soon and information will be shared separately. There is plenty of parking in the village and a very short walk from school. Generally people park well and we have a very small minority who park where they want, turn in the road and don't show awareness for others, the majority exemplify the values of the school brilliantly.
2. Coaches and practitioners in school - we are slowly building up the practitioners and outside coaches that we have in school (all of them have lateral flow tests before they come to our school an they follow strict protocols to keep everyone safe). Mr Thomas - teaches rugby and cricket to Years 4 and 5 on Mondays. Jack Ludwig teaches Irish Dancing to Reception on Thursday morning, Musical Theatre to Year 5 on Thursday afternoon and works with Year 6 on Friday (their Legacy production for the end of year).
After half term Mr Richards returns to teach construction to some year groups and Aiden Chester from Luctonians will be coaching rugby with some year groups. Encore Music (2 different teachers) teach Year 3,4 and 5 Ukelle and Samba on Tuesday and Wednesday
3. Attendance (or 'survival' as we like to call it in school, nothing you can do if you are ill !) - 98.3% overall (Class R had 99.3% and Class 2 had 99.6% last week).
4. Values for May - 'Diversity' and 'Co-operation' are the focus values. Please discuss them at home and define them for your family as well as school and the wider world.
5. Children's photography - we have bought a set of cameras (good lens and function but cheap plastic casing) for the children to experience and learn photography. Attached are some examples of the Year 4 photography from forest school, it is also a good way to develop awareness and appreciation of where we are and what we see. Attached are a few examples of Year 4s work and working. All of the attached images were taken by 8 and 9 year olds with a focus on light, shape and context, amazing work. This was also their first experience of using the cameras !
regards Mr Batstone Attachments |