Dear Mrs Giles, Madley Primary School has sent you a message Update - Wednesday January 13thDear Parents/Carers, 1. Values - not just about school but home as well. The values for January are 'Peace and Friendship' and can be explored in lots of different ways. - Design and create a poster to exemplify each value. If your poster was to be published then it must be to a 'publishing standard' and the very best work that can be done. - Have a discussion about the values and how they are exemplified at home, society and the World. 2. National data on 'live' learning (Twitter survey) 'Live' learning does not define the time allocated, quality of experience or curriculum area. If we are going to do anything that is 'live' in the weeks ahead then it will be done properly, have meaning and have impact. Primary Schools* Regarding remote learning, what proportion of lessons are live streamed? All 8.1% At least half 11.9% Less than half 27.9% None 52.1% Live 'streaming' may be an ipad propped in the corner of the classroom or a quick morning 'catch up' - there is no time definition. 3. Stride Active challenges - during the last lockdown there were challenges set for sport and PE. They have started their challenges again - visit and details are below: Virtual School Games Dance Competition Date: 4th February 2021 Venue: Virtual Our next School Games competition of 2021 is a virtual Dance challenge! This challenge starts on Monday 11th January and all routine entries must be in by Thursday 4th February We are linking this competition with Children’s Mental Health Week. The theme of the week is ‘Express Yourself’ Theme of the dance competition: Express Yourself Format: class/group (family members) / individual Judging: Performances will be judged based on Time: The routine should be no more than 1 minute long Entries: The whole school can take part and then a final school video should be sent to Stride Active (1 entry per school). Record the video (landscape) and email it to – please ensure that you have consent for all children in the video to be used on social media and for other promotion. Deadline for entries is 3 pm on Thursday 4th February 2021 Kind regards Mr Batstone |