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  • Update - Friday April 30th

    Fri 30 Apr 2021 Lee Batstone

    Dear Parents/Carers,

    The end of another busy week with lots happening in school. Next week we will take 'small steps' to start to mix children in certain spaces. Year R and 1 will eat in the hall at separate tables and we will mix two classes at a time at break and lunchtimes. Separate toilets will be in place until the end of the school year. We will monitor how it all works and, hopefully, we won't have any issues. Children need to gradually get back to more normal life in school, there are some aspects that we will retain as they work much better.  

    1. 100% attendance on Wednesday this week ! Worth a mention in its own right. Overall attendance will be published each Monday.

    2. Collage photos (attached) - these exemplify some of the work that has happened in school this week, this is just the tip of the iceberg as so much more happens on a daily basis. 

    3. PE and the Olympics -  prior to the London Olympics we tried to complete a session of every Olympic sport. As part of the build up to this years Olympic Games the children will be taking part in lots of Olympic sports. 

    4. Photography - we have just purchased a number of excellent (but quite cheap) cameras for children to document their learning, use for photography and also for forest school work. The photos that Year 6 have taken so far are amazing. 

    Have a lovely bank holiday weekend, stay safe and see you on Tuesday.

    kind regards

    Mr Batstone 

  • Update Friday 23rd April

    Fri 23 Apr 2021

    Dear Parents/Carers,


    1. Masks - any adult (unless they have a medical exemption) must be wearing a mask on our school grounds at any time including  Breakfast Club drop off/pick up, MASC drop off/pick up and normal school pick up/drop off. 

    2. Easing of restrictions (school) - our own approach will be slow, cautious and sensible. In a few weeks we will start to have two classes (socially distanced) in assemblies in the hall each day. We will also start to mix two classes together outside for break and lunchtimes. Year 1 will return to eating on tables together in the hall. The mixing of the children will take place slowly and carefully both for safety and because it has been a year since the children mixed in classes.


    3. Return to school - the children have generally come back well and settled back in well. There are a couple of things we would like parents/carers to check, reinforce and work on at home. Eating with good table manners, holding a knife and fork properly (we have special ones in Reception) and remembering to say 'please and thank you' are basic things we expect. 


    4. Jewellery - a reminder that all children are allowed to wear plain studs in their ears. No other jewellery is allowed.


    5. MASC pick up (Thursday only) - this is via the Reception gate as MASC are in Year 3 due to Irish dancing in the hall. The rest of the week is via the front door. 


    Have a good weekend, thank you for your 'common sense' and safety around school. It is appreciated.



    Mr Batstone 

  • Update Wednesday 21st AprIl

    Wed 21 Apr 2021

    Welcome back to school. Thank you for the calm, sensible and safe return. 


    April values = Resilience and determination 


    1. Covid updates - nothing has changed with our procedures and expectations. We have families who are isolating and there are still cases in our school community (small numbers). We are also mixing within school a bit more as we have MASC and breakfast clubs operating safely. We will progress slowly, sensibly and safely as the situation eases. Thank you for the very sensible communication from parents with regard to coughs, colds and 'normal' illnesses that are still around. 


    2. The 'Big Ask' - nationally there is a survey conducted with schools to evaluate the thoughts of children, some of our children will take part in this online, anonymous survey. We have also been doing our own thinking with all classes about the unique and special aspects of our school (these will be shared once we have all the work in). 


    3. 'Flow and go' - could we please ask that we do not have queues in the morning at any gate. Please stay in your car or away from school until a minute or so before the gate opening times (8:50am) then it all works better. Standing at the gate will not get it open any earlier ! 


    4. Forest school clothing - please remember it is not a 'fashion show' or own clothes day and children need to wearing practical, sensible and 'old' clothes that will get dirty, muddy and potentially ruined ! As we move towards summer children will need a cap or hat in the woods as the flies ! 


    Updates will still be 3 times a week and the newsletter will be back in circulation again soon as Mrs Johnson has made a welcome return to school (we are now back to full strength with everyone back). 


    Have a good day


    Mr Batstone 
