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  • Headteacher Update 1st October 2021

    Fri 01 Oct 2021

    Welcome to the end of the week !


    This has been a very challenging week in school with our first Covid outbreak and all the associated issues to manage it. The staff, parents and children in Year 6 have been amazing as have the wider school. The aim this week was to keep the outbreak contained so it didn't affect the rest of the school or force us to close. 


    Moving forward this is going to be an on-going issue and I am sure it won't be our last experience ! 


    1. New values for October (values are not just school based)

    Appreciation - the children are good at appreciating the world around them and noticing things at forest school and around. This month we will be focussing on people we appreciate and aspects of our lives that we appreciate.


    Caring - We are a caring school (care isn't always 'soft and fluffy') and the children and adults show that in bucket loads every day. We also have great care for our World and the environment. 


    2. Correct PE kit/uniform

    Please can we ask that children have the correct school uniform and PE kit. We don't have many issues but we have some children wearing variations when they are in uniform (we know there have been some hoodie supply issues).


    PE kit

    - black/dark plain tracksuit bottoms/shorts.

    - White t-shirt and school hoodie/sweatshirt

    - trainers/plimsolls (we will do a check on these next week - not Converse or trainers with platform soles). 


    3. Jewellery

    One pair of plain studs.

    Nothing else ! 


    4. Covid update

    We have returned to our 'bubbles' for classes (not a massive change since we came back as we were prepared anyway). We are being very open and honest with you and sharing the correct information about school. 


    Year 6 - the rate of positive cases has slowed and it doesn't seem to have spread anywhere (famous last words !). Thank you to the Year 6 parents/carers for their approach and common sense. 

    There are over a 1000 children in Herefordshire who are positive or isolating (attendance nationally last week was 88% and Herefordshire was 82%, this is the first time the county has been significantly below the national picture) and most schools are affected. 

    Please be mindful of where you go, who you mix with and please communicate with school effectively so we have the correct information. 


    5. Parents' evenings 

    We are acutely aware that it has been a while since parents/carers have seen books, Learning Journeys  etc. We are looking at staging some safe parents' evenings for all classes but staggering times and using the covered outside spaces, if we do it carefully we can stage it over a few weeks before and after half term and use different entrances to school. In the meantime if you wish to speak to a teacher just ring or e-mail and a convenient time will be arranged (we will always ask people to wear a mask if they can and to meet in our many external, covered areas (so please bring a coat !). 

    More news and dates next week.......


    6. Parking/dropping off/road safety

    A big 'thank you' to the volunteers who help with 'park and stride' and also the many families who us it. 

    We do not operate a 'drop off' system and we have a small minority of parents/carers who fail to adhere to our school values and expectations by stopping dangerously, pulling in on the yellow cones, blocking driveways and not being very safe (everyone is 'busy' and it is not a reasonable excuse). Patience has now run out so we will report every vehicle that is dangerous around a school to The Police and repeat reporting if necessary until actions change. 


    Thank you to those in the majority who show awareness, care and consideration for others. 


    Have a good weekend


    Mr Batstone

  • Headteacher Update 27th September

    Mon 27 Sep 2021

    Good morning everyone,


    We have had a busy weekend as Year 6 have a number of confirmed cases and others waiting for PCR results. Parents/Carers in Year 6 have been extremely sensible and have communicated well, you may also notice that many of them are wearing masks around school at drop off and pick up.


    Hopefully we can contain the outbreak in Year 6 and this week will act as a 'firebreak' but we also ask that everyone is aware and extra cautious. The impact on school and staff is huge with time, capacity and how we operate affected, it won't take much for school to have to close if a few school adults are affected. School does not receive any extra funding for any Covid related costs now (we are funding toilets, masks, extra cleaning and all associated costs), we have funded toilets etc out of our current budgets.


    A big 'thank you' to all the staff who step forward without issue and make everything work. They are 'juggling' times, roles and responsibilities and working hard.


    Please could we ask all parents/carers:

    - be aware of where you go and who you mix with.

    - monitor any symptoms (even if you think it is a 'normal' bug and book a test if you are unsure).



    There are a lot of asymptomatic (no symptoms) cases of covid and this is what lateral flows are designed for. To help detect those without symptoms who may have covid. It's important you do these regularly (at least twice a week) however:

    If you have any symptoms: headache, sneezing, runny nose, sore throat, change in taste or smell, fever then you should arrange a PCR test

    Lateral flows can/, often give false negative results and that's why it's important if any symptoms a PCR test should be undertaken.


    Attendance last week (or survival with so many bugs around !) = 92.7% overall

    Best survivors last week were Reception with 96.5%. Next were Year 5 with 94.3%.

    It will be much lower this week !


    Hopefully the week will calm down and we can work our way through things and get back to relative 'normality.'


    Kind regards

    Mr Batstone

  • Headteacher Update 24th September

    Fri 24 Sep 2021

    Dear Parents/Carers,


    The following information is really important and we ask you to read it carefully and thoughtfully. As a school we do not operate on gossip or rumour and we ask you to do the same.


    We have our first confirmed case ever within school (we have been expecting it) and a member of staff who is awaiting a PCR result after two positive lateral flow tests. Other children (not adults) have been positive but either in the holidays or from a family member whilst at home and not immediately in school.


    If cases rise and more staff test positive it will have a significant impact on the school and it's ability to function (not a knee jerk reaction but reality). We want to try to control any infection before it gets to a stage where we are forced to close (remote learning can only be offered if we have the staff to do it !).


    We want to keep our school open and for our adults/children to be well and safe. Some of our staff live with very vulnerable adults. Our school staff are also very cautious, test regularly and do their utmost to protect your children and families.


    There are many different personal views of the current situation and Covid but our responsibility is to keep staff and children safe (staff especially as they are often in situations they do not choose to be in).


    We expect parents/carers to :

    1. Inform us immediately of any suspected case (keep your child off of school) and then the PCR test result.

    2. To work from fact not rumour.

    3. If possible to test regularly (tests are easy to order) - lateral flow tests are not absolutely accurate so we would always recommend a PCR test to confirm a positive/negative result. Please do not dismiss coughs as a 'bug' and be extra cautious (as we know many of you are).

    4. Not enter the school building at all and if invited in then we would expect you to wear a mask (unless you are medically exempt). A few parents have started coming past the barrier and accessing the hatch. We still ask you to ring or e-mail or ask a school adult on the gates or outside.


    Any further rises in cases will result in:

    - Parents/Carers being asked to wear mask on-site again and around school.

    - the white dots and 2m markings being reinstated.

    - reinstating 'bubbles' with separate spaces for breaks etc (classes have separate toilets anyway).


    Hopefully we will get through this period with a small number of cases (we are expecting a few more) and with minimum impact/disruption to school if everybody is aware, sensible and works together.


    Kind regards

    Mr Batstone

  • Headteacher Update 24th September 2021

    Fri 24 Sep 2021

    Dear Parents/Carers,


    The following information is really important and we ask you to read it carefully and thoughtfully. As a school we do not operate on gossip or rumour and we ask you to do the same.


    We have our first confirmed case ever within school (we have been expecting it) and a member of staff who is awaiting a PCR result after two positive lateral flow tests. Other children (not adults) have been positive but either in the holidays or from a family member whilst at home and not immediately in school.


    If cases rise and more staff test positive it will have a significant impact on the school and it's ability to function (not a knee jerk reaction but reality). We want to try to control any infection before it gets to a stage where we are forced to close (remote learning can only be offered if we have the staff to do it !).


    We want to keep our school open and for our adults/children to be well and safe. Some of our staff live with very vulnerable adults. Our school staff are also very cautious, test regularly and do their utmost to protect your children and families.


    There are many different personal views of the current situation and Covid but our responsibility is to keep staff and children safe (staff especially as they are often in situations they do not choose to be in).


    We expect parents/carers to :

    1. Inform us immediately of any suspected case (keep your child off of school) and then the PCR test result.

    2. To work from fact not rumour.

    3. If possible to test regularly (tests are easy to order) - lateral flow tests are not absolutely accurate so we would always recommend a PCR test to confirm a positive/negative result. Please do not dismiss coughs as a 'bug' and be extra cautious (as we know many of you are).

    4. Not enter the school building at all and if invited in then we would expect you to wear a mask (unless you are medically exempt). A few parents have started coming past the barrier and accessing the hatch. We still ask you to ring or e-mail or ask a school adult on the gates or outside.


    Any further rises in cases will result in:

    - Parents/Carers being asked to wear mask on-site again and around school.

    - the white dots and 2m markings being reinstated.

    - reinstating 'bubbles' with separate spaces for breaks etc (classes have separate toilets anyway).


    Hopefully we will get through this period with a small number of cases (we are expecting a few more) and with minimum impact/disruption to school if everybody is aware, sensible and works together.


    Kind regards

    Mr Batstone

  • Headteacher Update 23rd September 2021

    Thu 23 Sep 2021

    Hello everyone,


    I was going to send this later in the week but it is better to do it now.

    As you may or may not know one of our local high schools has had to shut for a period of time due to Covid outbreaks, could we please ask that pupils from that school are not picking up siblings from Madley (we would love to see them but probably best to be extra cautious at the moment). It could happen to any school and we wish our colleagues and ex pupils our best wishes and a hope that the school returns to more normality as soon as possible.


    At the moment we just have various 'bugs' in school but please be extra sensitive to coughs, other symptoms and we encourage you to test regularly.


    Science Quality Mark

    After a great deal of work in really challenging times we have achieved our Science Quality Mark 2021 - 2024. We have used the process to raise the profile of Science, further embed it in the curriculum and develop our teaching and learning. The virtual Science events during lockdown were excellent but also exemplified the challenges we faced. A particular 'well done' to Mr Ford (Science Co-ordinator) who has led the process and completed lots of paperwork alongside the day job. A nice start to the week as we were informed on Monday.


    As a school we only go for awards that mean something or help us to develop, this was one of those awards.


    Computer gender research project

    Year 4 are involved in a research project focussing on females and computers. The project is looking at raising the profile of women in computing. It is a really interesting and worthwhile study as research has shown reduced numbers of females in computing (and engineering). As a school we encourage everyone to do everything and address and perceptions of gender inequalities, sometimes there is a perception that certain sports or jobs are 'just for boys/men' and we address this through values, good role models and an understanding of the wider world.


    Awareness of where you stand - don't block pavements or stand in the road (2 new road cones deceased this week).

    - Please can we ask Year 4 parents to stand in the area outside the classroom exit so the gates are free.

    - Could we ask all parents/carers not to block or stand in the middle of pavements (especially outside of the Year 5/6 exit) as people have to take to the road. In the last week 3 new yellow cones have been destroyed by passing vehicles ! Please don't let that be a person !

    - Yellow cones are there as a 'buffer' zone to allow pedestrians to use the pavements safely. We have 'lost' 4 cones to traffic hits in the first two weeks, it shows the traffic and speed passing through Madley. A cone can be replaced !


    School residential update - plans

    Hopefully we will be able to take Year 5 and 6 away in February 2022 and we have also booked Longtown Outdoor Centre for a Year 3/4 residential (a few days) in May 2022. More news to follow shortly .......


    Curriculum visits

    This is a 'trip' but we call them curriculum visits as the focus is on learning not a day out and a trip to the shop to buy a pencil (all valid but not the purpose of any visit). Yesterday Year 2 visited Bristol and sailed on The Matthew as part of their theme. They then looked at all the different boats in the harbour and enjoyed watching a crane display (bit of luck it was on). The children were excellent but it reminded us that they hadn't been anywhere for a while and it was full of new experiences and reminders (like how we cross the road as a class the 'Madley way).


    Have a good rest of the week


    Mr Batstone

  • Headteacher Update 20th September 2021

    Mon 20 Sep 2021

    Dear Parents/Carers,


    I hope your weekend was enjoyable and safe. A big 'welcome' to Reception who start their second full week together. 


    1. Parents' evenings

    Before the summer holidays I said we 'might' have a parent's evening in the first few weeks. As a staff we are very concerned with the rising Covid case numbers and we are very aware of primary and secondary schools with new and increasing cases. We have a parents' evening scheduled for the week after half term and this will definitely go ahead but may be a phone conversation. If we feel it is safe for staff we will have a face to face meeting with measures to protect staff. 


    Constant communication 

    School staff are very quick in responding to parental requests and will always communicate with you (as long as time allows). We always say not to leave any issues and we try to deal with anything as quickly as possible. If you wish to speak to a teacher please e-mail the office or ask them directly (but we cannot meet there and then as we have classes to teach). 


    2. Attendance 

    Overall = 95.1 % 

    Best classes = Class 6 (99% - brilliant) and Class 5 (97.6%).

    Class R were 97.2% in their first full week of school together. Lots of new adventures and experiences. 


    3. Staff working

    We often don't share what school do or the hours that they work but I think it is time to share ! We love our jobs and don't moan or whinge but it is worth sharing. We love our jobs but need people to be aware that there is a great deal of pressure in a school and there are '2 jobs' - the day job of teaching the children and the evening job of planning, marking and paper work. We also work in the holidays ! 


    Myself (head) - I teach 3 days a week (mainly forest school). I will be alternating this so every other week is led on-site by fully trained forest school leaders so I can focus on leading the school.

    Mrs Lee (Deputy/Class 3/SENDCO) - teaches 3.5 days a week with 1.5 for SENDCO/PPA and management time.

    Class teachers - work full time with 0.5 Planning, preparation and assessment time within the working week. Most of their planning, marking etc is done in the evening.


    Pupil behaviour

    Our children's behaviour is generally very good and they show responsibility, care and awareness in all they do. Last week we have had several minor incidents of grabbing and being too physical, it isn't acceptable. 


    Language - we expect children to talk like children and do not accept swearing or bad language at all. Surprisingly there are a number of children using words like 'damn' or 'damn it....' and this is not normal child language. We model the correct language for children and would politely ask that all parents/carers do the same. As parents/carers you are the strongest model in your child's life and they aspire to be like you, talk like you etc, a huge responsibility. 


    Kind regards

    Mr Batstone 

  • Headteacher Update 16th September 2021

    Thu 16 Sep 2021

    Welcome to the end of the week ! 


    The 'normal' flow of school at the beginning of a school year  is intial excitement in the first two weeks then the early morning/different routines 'kick in' and there is tiredness/tears and then it settles again ! You may or may not be experiencing this. Please do not take for granted the disruption and constant changes in the outside world that the children see daily (masks/no masks/restrictions etc). This also applies to school adults !


    As a school we will take things very slowly. The children mix outside but very little inside (there won't be discos or indoor events this term until we are sure of the infection rates etc). You may or may not have seen that a Herefordshire Primary School has closed for 12-14 days due to 19 infections of staff and children, we would prefer that didn't happen to us ! If too many school adults were ill we would not be able to safely open. Staff still test twice a week and come to work with a lot of trust placed in you to keep them safe ! 


    The rules for testing/isolation and family members have also changed and we place a lot of trust in parents/carers with regard to positive tests and the start of symptoms. Other members of your family who you live with may be suffering from Covid but, with testing, you can still carry on as normal. 


    Other information/news

    1. Swimming -

    Year 3 have started swimming and will continue for most of the year. As a school we tend to target one year group (no classes have been swimming for a few years) then take Year 6 at the end of the year. Swimming is really important but takes a whole morning, coach costs (a rare experience for our children) and there are limited times that the pool offer. 


    2. Uniform/jewellery -

    The only earrings that children are allowed are plain studs. 

    Children should only have plain hair accessories and one charity wristband. 


    Uniform is important for preserving your own clothes, being part of a team and having a sense of shared identity. Thank you for helping us to focus on learning and experiences instead of moaning about uniform. 


    3. Values this month 

    'Inspiration and Excellence' have been chosen by Year 6 as a our first values for September. They explained, in assembly, that 'inspiration' is part of everyday learning at Madley and 'excellence' should be our aim in everything we do. What mature, sensible and responsible thinking from Year 6. 


    4.   Forest school clothing

    Hats - we encourage children to wear a cap in the summer/now as there are still 'midges' around (hence the itching heads) and a warm hat in the Autumn/winter. Our mantra is always 'function over fashion.' 

    Every class does forest school every week either in our on-site woods or at our forest school site. 


    Have a good weekend


    Mr Batstone

  • Headteacher Update 13th September 2021

    Mon 13 Sep 2021

    Welcome to a new week.


    1. Attendance

    Overall last week = 97.2% (best classes were Year 5 with 99.3% and Year 3 with 98.3%).

    Expected good attendance for a school is 95% +, well done everyone.


    2. Cooked lunches

    Thank you for your patience and understanding as our external caterers implement their new systems of ordering. School does not administer the system and we cannot access it and there are a few things to remember -

    Parents/carers MUST cancel their own meals for any absence including illness, curriculum visits, sports events etc (or you will be charged for it).

    As the system 'beds' in and our forest school timetable is established it will all begin to work out (only Years 3,4,5 and 6 need to bring a packed lunch on their forest school days).


    3. Developing independence

    At Madley we are very particular on developing independence and for children taking responsibility. We expect ALL children to carry their own bags and coat (including Reception), they are all capable of doing it and we know everybody can. When children come to school or leave we expect to see them, carrying their own bag (rarely they may need help if they have a lot to carry). Thank you for helping your child.



    Mr Batstone


  • Headteacher Update 10th September 2021

    Fri 10 Sep 2021

    Good morning everyone,


    The first full week has gone smoothly and everything is settling back into place (it always takes a few weeks for things to 'settle' and 'bed in' properly). The following contains a few important messages for all and some important reminders.


    Lateness - our gates close at 9am sharp and we expect children to be in school then (one off incidents are perfectly reasonable the car or traffic is bad etc). We record repeated incidents as a safeguarding concern and will contact you to discuss it if it occurs several times.



    98% of our parents/carers do the 'right thing' with awareness and care for others and consideration for the community our school is in and other people. We want 100% so could everyone do the following please and to respect the fact we are a values based school:

    - park with care and consideration for other road users and residents. Everyone is 'busy' and it isn't a reasonable excuse.

    - do not park/drop off outside or in the road (2 near misses yesterday).

    respect the request not to drop off in the road, use the bus bay to turn or park (unless you are a Blue Badge holder and have discussed it with us). If the cones outside the Year 5/6 entrance/exit are not there (they should be there everyday as a protection zone for pedestrians). This is about shared responsibility for the care and safety of children and adults.

    Park and stride is 'up and running' with our amazing VOLUNTEERS in order to make parking etc a bit easier. there were 20 children (about 10% of the school) this morning and we want more ! I put the information on a previous Parentmail update.


    Forest School

    Every class has the opportunity to do forest school every week either on-site or at our forest school site. The aim is always to use our amazing forest school site but that involves mini-bus drivers and the logistics of getting there. Sometimes it isn't possible (as I do lots of the sessions and have a school to run as well) and classes may have to stay on our school site, this can happen at short notice (not many schools have a small copse on their school field so the children are extremely fortunate and we have 14 trained Level 3 leaders). Packed lunches for some classes on forest school days means that we get more time at the site.

    The correct clothing is really important and every child needs their wellies in school everyday.


    'Bigger picture'

    Values -

    Year 6 have set the values for the year and these are shared across the school, on newsletters and updates. Values are not just for school and our part of the wider community, and hopefully, home as well.

    Values stickers are given to children by staff in recognition of values that go 'above and beyond' normal, expected behaviour and are for all to see and celebrate.

    Behaviour -

    Children have had a very disrupted 18 months and there is still disruption and on-going restrictions/masks etc in the wider world. Behaviour at school is generally good and serious incidents are extremely rare (there has only been one physical 'fight' in 17 years and that was 15 years ago !) because we expect children to play properly, respect others and to be physical but not with each other.

    There is still some work to do with concentration and 'school behaviour' expectations as we get used to things again but nothing too major. Generally our children are always complimented for their manners, attitudes, behaviours and awareness both by visitors to school and when we go 'out and about.' The Drama Geezers (who worked with all classes this week) loved our school.

    Staff welfare -

    I am sure you don't assume that teachers have 6 weeks off in the holidays because they don't ! They have worked in the holidays to set classrooms ready, organise resources and organise the curriculum. A big 'thank you' to all of them (and other staff who voluntarily came in).

    The past 18 months have put a big strain on all staff and they have all worked tirelessly, without complaint and as a team to keep everyone safe, learning and with a sense of 'normality' but they are exposed to lots of children and families on a daily basis and they trust that you are keeping us safe.


    Prior to the summer holidays lots of staff did the 'day job' teaching your children then did the rest of their work in the evening, but this isn't sustainable and we need to balance our lives for our families and our own health. Staff at Madley are committed and always want the best for the children in their care but we will be putting things in place to achieve a greater balance.



    Children are only allowed one set of small stud earrings. They should be able to remove them or you provide micro tape to cover them for PE.

    Children are allowed one charity wrist band.

    They can wear a watch if you choose (but if it is lost or broken it is not the school's responsibility).

    No other jewellery should be worn.


    Covid and on-going information

    Covid has not disappeared and this is the most challenging time for us a school since the pandemic began. Guidance around isolation, infection protocols etc have changed and more trust is placed on parents/carers to be honest with us.

    'Bubbles' - these do not exist anymore and we are mixing up at break and lunchtime. We have kept separate toilets for year groups. In the event of a positive case the individual is tested and at home for 10 days from the start of symptoms. Only when a significant number of children in a class have Covid will Public Health consider sending a bubble home to isolate.

    We have and will maintain hand washing, cleaning and temperature tests for children and adults within school.

    Covid procedures have changed some things for the better e.g PE kit days, entrance and exit from school, flexibility with breaktimes etc.


    Thank you for the positive return to school. Please respect personal space for others, mask wearing and awareness as not everyone is comfortable around other people. We will keep you updated as this half term progresses and we will take a slow, steady approach to everything we do.


    Kind regards

    Mr Batstone

  • Headteacher Update 3rd September 2021

    Fri 03 Sep 2021

    Dear Parents/Carers,


    A really positive return to school and everything has settled well.

    Updates will continue to 'flow' to give you relevant information and guidance. It may be 3 times a week or 2, we will see !


    We have a number of families and children with confirmed Covid cases or symptoms, more than we have ever had before. The guidance and support we have been issued by government is confusing and unhelpful and responsibility has been left with us ! I have attempted to wade through to find the 'correct, relevant and clear' information, I have attached quite a good document from another authority which is helpful.

    As always we trust you to make the right decisions for your family and the wider community. If you are in any doubt please contact the local and national helplines.


    Park and stride

    Starts on Monday September 6th and will operate everyday (thanks to some amazing volunteers). From the Tennis Club/Park car park from 8:35am, leaving promptly at 8:45am. Any new Reception children need accompanying by a parent for the first few weeks please.

    This is amazing and will really help the parking so please use it and volunteer to help if you can (see Mrs Crowther).



    The two cars blocking the pavement this morning were builders working at pre school. No excuse for parking by the cones but they were very apologetic and moved their cars inside when it was safe to do so.


    Have a good weekend

    Mr Batstone
